The names of the girls in my year at school in 1962. Tell me what you think!!

See the results of this poll: Name your favourites - choose as many as you like.

Respondents: 66 (This poll is closed)

  • Gaynor : 4 (3%)
  • Cherie : 7 (5%)
  • Marianna : 23 (16%)
  • Dorelle : 1 (1%)
  • Heather : 10 (7%)
  • Anita : 13 (9%)
  • Laurel : 36 (24%)
  • Sheridan : 11 (7%)
  • Kerry : 5 (3%)
  • Caroline: 38 (26%)

It looks like [name]Caroline[/name] is going to be the most popular choice here but I would be interested to hear what you think of [name]Gaynor[/name] and Dorelle.


I really love [name]Laurel[/name], [name]Caroline[/name] (my name!) and [name]Anita[/name]. Although I love [name]Anita[/name] pronounced [name]AH[/name]-nih-tah.

Those are my favourites too. Firstly because [name]Caroline[/name] is my name, [name]Laurel[/name] is just SO pretty and [name]Anita[/name] because I think it is an underused gem. So you don’t say knee but nye when you pronounce it?


Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were also a [name]Caroline[/name]! :slight_smile:

In that pronunciation the middle sylable in [name]Anita[/name] is like knit (I’m awful at explaining pronunciation!). That’s how I’ve heard it said in Poland and Latvia and it’s super pretty.

I voted for [name]Caroline[/name] and [name]Laurel[/name]. Nothing else really sparked for me.

[name]Laurel[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name] are the only ones I really like.

As expected [name]Caroline[/name] and [name]Laurel[/name] are the winners here so if you take them off the list what would be your favourite names from the rest of the list? Or if you would like to critique all the names that would be great!


I love [name]Sheridan[/name]. I had an insurance job where I spoke to the same insurance agents over the phone many times, and I always loved asking for [name]Sheridan[/name]. It has such a nice sound to it. (Maybe it’s because I spoke to a LOT of Donnas and Kathys?)

Yes you may be right a [name]Sheridan[/name] may have been a refreshing change.


I love…

[name]Caroline[/name] (yeah [name]Rollo[/name]!)
[name]Gaynor[/name] (although I prefer the [name]Gaenor[/name] spelling)

I like…


I love [name]Laurel[/name]! I also voted for [name]Marianna[/name], it’s pretty too.

i voted [name]Heather[/name], [name]Laurel[/name] and [name]Gaynor[/name]. I knew a lovely woman named [name]Gaynor[/name] and it is a pretty name despite the ‘gay’ part. [name]Gaynor[/name] wouldnt be my sort but i have fondness for the name after meeitng this woman i mentioned! though she was older and i cant imagine using it on a baby girl i still love the name as a name just not a baby name! lol make sense? [name]Laurel[/name] is pretty but i prefer [name]Lauren[/name] or [name]Laura[/name]. i’ve always loved [name]Heather[/name]! i’m not a big fan of [name]Caroline[/name] dunno why. [name]Cherie[/name] is cute but not entirely sure how to pronounce. [name]Marianna[/name] is nms at all. Dorelle is different, nice but i’m not a fan of [name]Renelle[/name] [name]Janelle[/name] etc names. [name]Anita[/name] i’ve known one [name]Anita[/name] and she pronounced it A knee ta. dont really like this name just not ‘smoothe’ enough for me? [name]Sheridan[/name] is pretty but reminds me of a hotels name! [name]Kerry[/name] i actually really like [name]Kerry[/name]!

You girls are gold! I love the feedback I am getting. I thought that [name]Gaynor[/name] was a very glamorous name when I was at school. Come to think of it I would say [name]Ava[/name] (I love this name despite its populariy) and [name]Gaynor[/name] would make great siblings.
