The Nanny

Use this six-sided dice to play

Your name is (NAME). You are 21 year old third-year college student attending (COLLEGE) and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors (HIS/HER NAME), and he/she tells you their cousin, (HIS NAME), is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A girl; her first name from Princess Names | Nameberry, middle name from 146 Names That Mean Beautiful | Nameberry
  2. A boy; his first name from 115 Best British Boy Names | Nameberry, middle name from Royal Names for Boys | Nameberry
  3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry
  4. Two girls; first & middle names from 121 Cool Girl Names from Ancient Cultures | Nameberry
  5. Two boys; first & middle names from 172 Vintage Boy Names | Nameberry
  6. Two boys & two girls; boys’ first & middle names from Colonial Names for Boys | 1700s Names | Nameberry, girls’ first & middle names from Colonial Names for Girls | 1700s Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names?

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ([name]Roll[/name] the dice for each child, ages 1-6)

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)

The family lives in (CITY), an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, (HIS NAME), an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. (HIS NAME) works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, (HER NAME). You’ve never seen Mrs. (LAST NAME) and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from ([name]BOSS[/name]'S NAME). He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 6 months
  2. 1 year
  3. 2 years
  4. 3 years
  5. 4 years
  6. 5 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with (DH’S NAME) and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a (CAREER) and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. [name]Christmas[/name] day
  2. Thanksgiving
  3. New Year’s
  4. [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]
  5. Fourth of [name]July[/name]
  6. Your birthday

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. [name]Paris[/name], [name]France[/name]
  2. [name]Rome[/name], [name]Italy[/name]
  3. [name]London[/name], [name]England[/name]
  4. [name]Barcelona[/name], Spain
  5. Athens, Greece
  6. Lisbon, Portugal

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in (TOWN). Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A boy
  2. A girl
  3. Boy/girl twins
  4. Twin girls
  5. Twin boys
  6. Your choice of the above or more

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry
3 or 4: first names from Angel Names | Nameberry, middle names from 128 Cool Unique Saint Names for Babies | Nameberry
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)?

([name]ROLL[/name] THE [name]DICE[/name]) years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child (HIS/HER NAME) comes home from school very, very upset. He/she swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, (HER NAME), is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but ([name]ROLL[/name] THE [name]DICE[/name]) months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, ([name]ROLL[/name] THE [name]DICE[/name]) weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
3 or 4: twins
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)

Boys’ first name: 107 Werewolf Baby Names | Nameberry
Boys’ middle name: 188 Boy Names ALWAYS in the Top 1000 | Nameberry

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name: 200 Trending Girl Names | Nameberry

What is the baby(s) name(s)?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
3 or 4: twins
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)

Boys’ first names: 16 Alternatives to Alexander | Nameberry
Boys’ middle names: 17 Names to Substitute for Carter | Nameberry

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name?

([name]ROLL[/name] THE [name]DICE[/name]) years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in. Her first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1999 - Behind the Name
What is her name?
3 or 4. Your loser younger brother moves in with you after his wife divorces him. His first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1993 - Behind the Name
What is his name?
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name?

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, (HER NAME), is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? (even=girl odd=boy)
Boys’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Boys | Nameberry
Girls’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your baby’s name?

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? (even=girl odd=boy)
Boys’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
Girls’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your sister’s baby’s name?

3 or 4: Your brother, (HIS NAME), asks to move in with you after his wife, (HER NAME), divorces him. Being the big sister having to serve the prince for most of your childhood, you say no…but you can’t get the memory of your mother’s nagging voice out of your head. So, your husband tells your brother he can only live with your family if he works at your husband’s family’s business firm and pays rent to live in the guest house. To your shock, your brother agrees. But six months later, when you find out you’re pregnant, your brother brings home his pregnant girlfriend.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2. You throw your brother and his girlfriend out. Nine months later, you find their infant boy/girl twins on your doorstep. The boy’s first & middle names come from 100 Laid Back Baby Boy Names | Nameberry, the girl’s first & middle names come from 1 This list has been removed | Nameberry
What are the babies’ names?
3 or 4. Your brother takes off. His girlfriend dies from birth complications after giving birth to a baby boy. You and your husband adopt the baby. His first & middle names from 76 New York Neighborhood Names | Nameberry
What is the baby boy’s name?
5 or 6. Your brother marries the girl and they have a baby girl. Six months later, parenthood and marriage has been too hard on them, they separate, and leave their daughter with you. Her first & middle names come from: 127 Designer Baby Names | Nameberry
What is the baby girl’s name?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. One baby
  2. Twins
  3. Triplets
  4. Quads
  5. Quints
  6. Sextuplets
    What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)
    Babies’ first & middle names: Classic Names
    What are your babies’ names?

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, (HIS NAME). He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, (HER NAME), pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2: The girl has an abortion.
3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody. What is the baby’s gender? (even=girl odd=boy) The baby’s first & middle names from listography: error
What is the baby’s name?
5 or 6: You and your husband raise the baby, while your stepson, who moves away to college and stays with his mother’s family, has visitation. The baby’s mother also has visitation. What is the baby’s gender? (even=girl odd=boy) The baby’s first & middle names from listography: Stephanie
What is the baby’s name?

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Twin girls; first & middle names from 52 Mermaid Baby Names | Nameberry
  2. Twin boys; first & middle names from 154 Cool Names with a Strong O | Nameberry
  3. Triplet girls; first & middle names from Color Names for Babies | Nameberry
  4. Triplet boys; first & middle names from 87 Coolated Boys' Names | Nameberry (use any column you want)
  5. Quads, two boys & two girls; first & middle names from Popular Names in England and Wales 2009 - Behind the Name
  6. One baby–your choice of a boy or a girl; first & middle names from Two Syllable Baby Names | Nameberry

What are your babies’ names?

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Jillian[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Benson[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Jorge[/name] Sorrentino, and he tells you their cousin, [name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Antonio[/name] Sorrentino, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]William[/name] [name]Charles[/name] Sorrentino & [name]Julia[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] Sorrentino

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Will[/name] is 2, [name]Julia[/name] is 6

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)

The family lives in [name]Albany[/name], New [name]York[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Nick[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Nick[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Inez[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. Sorrentino and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Nick[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 6 months

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Nick[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a novelist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Fourth of [name]July[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Lisbon, Portugal

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Catskills. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Your choice of the above or more
Boy/girl twins

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]August[/name] [name]Wyatt[/name] Sorrentino & [name]Evangeline[/name] [name]Hope[/name] Sorrentino

2 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Julia[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears she saw her mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Jessica[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 5 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 6 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? girl

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name:

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Bianca[/name] [name]Claire[/name] Sorrentino

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins
What are the babies’ genders? girl, boy

Boys’ first names: 16 Alternatives to Alexander | Nameberry
Boys’ middle names: 17 Names to Substitute for Carter | Nameberry

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name? [name]Constantine[/name] [name]Paxton[/name] Sorrentino & [name]Celia[/name] [name]Ivy[/name] Sorrentino

1 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name? [name]Cruz[/name] [name]Rebel[/name]

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Cruz[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Sabrina[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody. What is the baby’s gender? girl The baby’s first & middle names from listography: error
What is the baby’s name? [name]Valentina[/name] Alora

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. One baby–your choice of a boy or a girl; first & middle names from Two Syllable Baby Names | Nameberry
A girl

What are your babies’ names? [name]Zoe[/name] [name]Mercy[/name] Sorrentino

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Elizabeth[/name] ([name]Ellie[/name]) [name]Harmony[/name] [name]Ross[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending [name]Brown[/name] University and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors, Professor [name]Jonathan[/name] Hicks, and he tells you their cousin, [name]Ryan[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Perry[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names?
[name]David[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Katherine[/name] ([name]Katie[/name]) [name]Jane[/name]
[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ([name]Roll[/name] the dice for each child, ages 1-6)
[name]David[/name] is five and [name]Katie[/name] is six

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)
It is a 6 bedroom 5 bathroom mansion with a three car garage, a gigantic pool (indoor and outdoor), tennis court, gym, and a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom guest house.

The family lives in [name]Santa[/name] [name]Monica[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Ryan[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny.[name]Ryan[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Rosalie[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Perry[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Ryan[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Ryan[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Pediatrician and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?
It is a very elegant ring, but it is also modest, not too big but also not too small

What does your wedding dress look like?
It is a very tradional wedding dress, long sleeves, and very beautiful and elegant

You and [name]Ryan[/name] stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Los [name]Angeles[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and [name]Ryan[/name] weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A boy

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Hudson[/name] [name]Levi[/name]

One year passes after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child, [name]Katie[/name], comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Amanda[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but six months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, six weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: triplets

What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)
3 boys

What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Collin[/name] [name]Matthew[/name] , [name]Jason[/name] ([name]Jace[/name]) [name]Richard[/name], [name]Brady[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins

What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)
1 boy and 1 girl

What is your baby’s name?
[name]Nathanial[/name] ([name]Nate[/name]) [name]Paxton[/name] and [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Violet[/name]

One year later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name?
[name]Bronx[/name] [name]Moroccan[/name]

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Bronx[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Natalie[/name] Heines, pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2: The girl has an abortion.

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Twin girls; first & middle names from 52 Mermaid Baby Names | Nameberry

What are your babies’ names?
[name]Coralia[/name] ([name]Cora[/name]) [name]Pearl[/name] and [name]Azalea[/name] ([name]Lea[/name]) [name]Melody[/name]

The Family:
[name]Ellie[/name] and [name]Ryan[/name]
[name]Bronx[/name] (adopted son)

Use this six-sided dice to play

Your name is ([name]Jennifer[/name] [name]Anne[/name] Woodruff). You are 21 year old third-year college student attending ([name]Yale[/name]) and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors (MRS.[name]Cathy[/name] A. [name]Rice[/name]), and she tells you their cousin, ([name]David[/name] [name]Allen[/name] Rodgers), is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Two girls; first & middle names from 121 Cool Girl Names from Ancient Cultures | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]Viviana[/name] [name]Melisent[/name] & [name]Elizabella[/name] [name]Gwenore[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ages 5 & 3

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like?

The family lives in [name]Oxford[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]David[/name] [name]Allen[/name] Rodgers, an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]David[/name]) works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Anna[/name] [name]Leigh[/name] Gonzalez. You’ve never seen Mrs. Rodgers and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]David[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 4 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]David[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as an Astronomer and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose?

  1. [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding?

  1. [name]Paris[/name], [name]France[/name]

What does your engagement ring look like? large and expensive

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]North[/name] [name]Canaan[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A boy

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

5 or 6: boys’ first names from , middle names from

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Elijah[/name] [name]Hudson[/name] Rodgers

3 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child Vivana comes home from school very, very upset. she swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, ([name]Juliana[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Updyke), is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 5 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 6 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

3 or 4: twins


What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Jacob[/name] [name]Moses[/name] & [name]Sam[/name] [name]Donald[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

5 or 6: triplets

What are the babies’ genders? Girl, girl, girl

Girls’ first names:

What is your baby’s name? [name]Georgina[/name] [name]Lily[/name], [name]Madeline[/name] [name]Talullah[/name], and [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Delilah[/name]

3 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.

5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from What is his name? [name]Moroccan[/name] [name]Marmaduke[/name]

If you rolled a…

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Moroccan[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Grace[/name] [name]Arianna[/name] Stokes pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? .

3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody. What is the baby’s gender? boy The baby’s first & middle names from
What is the baby’s name? [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Gennaro[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Triplet boys;

What are your babies’ names? [name]Dennison[/name] [name]Willem[/name], [name]Schuyler[/name] [name]Ray[/name], and [name]Manny[/name] [name]Lee[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Adella[/name] [name]Fay[/name] Chinkham. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Kansas State University and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Garrison[/name] [name]Hayes[/name] [name]Finch[/name], and he tells you his cousin, [name]Sherwin[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] [name]Finch[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names?
Two girls

What are the kids’ names? [name]Aurelia[/name] [name]Cassia[/name] and [name]Livia[/name] [name]Juno[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Aurelia[/name] is 6 and [name]Livia[/name] is 3.

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)

The family lives in Topeka, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Sherwin[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Sherwin[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Aria[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] McWhirter. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Finch[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Sherwin[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? 2 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Sherwin[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a teacher and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? Thanksgiving

Where do you have your vacation wedding? Lisbon, Portugal

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Kansas City. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? A boy

What is your baby’s name? [name]Michael[/name] [name]Adrian[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

Three years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Aurelia[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Drew[/name] [name]Savannah[/name] Tinkham, is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the babies after they are born. The mother disappears, but four months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, five weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? Twins
What are the babies’ genders? Girls

What are the babies’ names? [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] and [name]Bella[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? Twins
What are the babies’ genders? Girls

What are your babies’ names? [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Camilla[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Violet[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

Six years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?
Your loser younger brother moves in with you after his wife divorces him.
What is his name? [name]Brandon[/name] [name]James[/name] Chinkham

Your brother, [name]Brandon[/name], asks to move in with you after his wife, [name]Hermione[/name] [name]Larkin[/name] Chinkham, divorces him. Being the big sister having to serve the prince for most of your childhood, you say no…but you can’t get the memory of your mother’s nagging voice out of your head. So, your husband tells your brother he can only live with your family if he works at your husband’s family’s business firm and pays rent to live in the guest house. To your shock, your brother agrees. But six months later, when you find out you’re pregnant, your brother brings home his pregnant girlfriend.
What happens next?
You throw your brother and his girlfriend out. Nine months later, you find their infant boy/girl twins on your doorstep.
What are the babies’ names? [name]Cal[/name] [name]Harry[/name] and [name]Hester[/name] [name]Joyce[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? Sextuplets
What are the babies’ genders? Five boys and one girl
What are your babies’ names? [name]Asher[/name] [name]George[/name], [name]Pierce[/name] [name]Theodore[/name], [name]Beck[/name] [name]Josiah[/name], [name]Felix[/name] [name]Grey[/name], [name]Leo[/name] [name]Maximilian[/name], and [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Celeste[/name] [name]Finch[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

[name]Sherwin[/name] and [name]Adella[/name] [name]Finch[/name]; [name]Aurelia[/name], [name]Livia[/name], [name]Michael[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Bella[/name], [name]Georgia[/name], [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Cal[/name], [name]Hester[/name], [name]Asher[/name], [name]Pierce[/name], [name]Beck[/name], [name]Felix[/name], [name]Leo[/name], and [name]Ruby[/name].

Your name is [name]Jillian[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Gray[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Stonehill College and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Ethan[/name] Danvers, and he tells you their cousin, [name]Jeremy[/name] [name]Malcolm[/name] Danvers, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]James[/name] [name]Robert[/name] & [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]James[/name] & [name]Sarah[/name] are 4-year-old twins

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)[1].jpg/146046931/blithewood-mansion_1[1].jpg

The family lives in [name]Easton[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Jeremy[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Jeremy[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Olivia[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. Danvers and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Jeremy[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Jeremy[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a novelist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. [name]Christmas[/name] day

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Boston[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Your choice of the above or more
Twin girls

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Lily[/name] & [name]Elodie[/name] [name]Rose[/name]

2 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]James[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Jamie[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 6 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 3 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? boy, boy, girl

Boys’ first name: 107 Werewolf Baby Names | Nameberry
Boys’ middle name: 188 Boy Names ALWAYS in the Top 1000 | Nameberry

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name:

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Embry[/name] [name]Wilson[/name], [name]Falcon[/name] [name]Ramon[/name], & [name]Bella[/name] [name]Ruby[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins
What are the babies’ genders? girl, boy

Boys’ first names: 16 Alternatives to Alexander | Nameberry
Boys’ middle names: 17 Names to Substitute for Carter | Nameberry

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name? [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Violet[/name] & [name]Matthias[/name] [name]Hunter[/name]

3 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name? [name]Titus[/name] [name]Knox[/name]

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Titus[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Allison[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody. What is the baby’s gender? girl The baby’s first & middle names from listography: error
What is the baby’s name? [name]Teagan[/name] [name]Hadley[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Twin girls; first & middle names from 52 Mermaid Baby Names | Nameberry

What are your babies’ names? [name]Nerissa[/name] [name]Melody[/name] & [name]Lorelie[/name] [name]Jewel[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Eva[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]Johnston[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Stratton College and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Robin[/name] [name]Allan[/name] [name]Milford[/name], and he tells you their cousin, [name]Douglas[/name] [name]Michael[/name] [name]Milford[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.
What are the kids’ names? [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Mirabella[/name] [name]Milford[/name]
[name]How[/name] old are the kids? 2

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? big mansion

The family lives in San [name]Francisco[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Douglas[/name] [name]Milford[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Douglas[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Carmen[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Fernandez. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Milford[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Douglas[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.
[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Douglas[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a architect and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.
On what holiday does DH propose? New Year’s
Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Paris[/name], [name]France[/name]
What does your engagement ring look like?
What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Caix. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?
[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? Twin girls
What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Isabella[/name] [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Milford[/name] & [name]Anastasia[/name] [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Milford[/name]

1 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Victoria[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Tiffany[/name] [name]Ann[/name] [name]Durham[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. [name]Douglas[/name] agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 3 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 4 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.
[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? one baby, boy
What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Richard[/name] [name]Timothy[/name] [name]Milford[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? twins, boys
What is your baby’s name? [name]Matthias[/name] [name]Truman[/name] [name]Milford[/name] & [name]Frederick[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Milford[/name]

1 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?
You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in.
What is her name? [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Emily[/name] [name]Johnston[/name]

Your half-sister, [name]Sarah[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? girl
What is your baby’s name? [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Hermione[/name] [name]Milford[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? girl
What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Leah[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Johnston[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

[name]Eva[/name] & [name]Douglas[/name] [name]Milford[/name] with, [name]Victoria[/name], [name]Isabella[/name], [name]Anastasia[/name], [name]Richard[/name], [name]Matthias[/name], [name]Frederick[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name]
[name]Sarah[/name] [name]Johnston[/name] with, [name]Leah[/name]

Your name is [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Daisy[/name] [name]Reynolds[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending NYU and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Maryanne[/name] [name]Lewis[/name], and he/she tells you their cousin, [name]George[/name] [name]Franklin[/name] [name]Lewis[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A girl; [name]Virginia[/name] [name]Rosalind[/name], 6 yrs old.

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)
A penthouse apartment along the east side of Central [name]Park[/name], it’s very modern, 5 bedrooms, all en-suite, an amazing view of the park, and while being very stylish, is still very child-friendly.

The family lives in Manhattan, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]George[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]George[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Jeannie[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Lewis[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]George[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for?

  1. 6 months

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]George[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a psychiatrist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose?
4. [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding?
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?
It’s a princess cut diamond, and outside it are two little blue sapphires. Platinum band, of course.

What does your wedding dress look like?
It’s a mermaid dress. It’s strapless and has pearls sewn onto it.

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Stamford, Connecticut. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
6. Boy/Girl Twins

What are the babies’ names?
[name]Ezra[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] and [name]Araminta[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]

4 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Ginny[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He/she swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Sharon[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 3 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 3 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have?
1 or 2: one baby girl

What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Ruby[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
5 or 6: triplets girls

What is your baby’s name? [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Violet[/name], [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Delilah[/name] and [name]Frederica[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]

2 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?
3 or 4. Your loser younger brother moves in with you after his wife divorces him.
What is his name?
[name]Adam[/name] [name]Gregory[/name] [name]Reynolds[/name]

If you rolled a…

3 or 4: Your brother, [name]Adam[/name], asks to move in with you after his wife, [name]Jennifer[/name], divorces him. Being the big sister having to serve the prince for most of your childhood, you say no…but you can’t get the memory of your mother’s nagging voice out of your head. So, your husband tells your brother he can only live with your family if he works at your husband’s family’s business firm and pays rent to live in the guest house. To your shock, your brother agrees. But six months later, when you find out you’re pregnant, your brother brings home his pregnant girlfriend.

What happens next?

3 or 4. Your brother takes off. His girlfriend dies from birth complications after giving birth to a baby boy. You and your husband adopt the baby.
What is the baby boy’s name?
[name]Hudson[/name] [name]Bronx[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
2. Twins girls

What are your babies’ names?
[name]Jessamine[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] & [name]Rowena[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]

The Parents: [name]George[/name] [name]Franklin[/name] [name]Lewis[/name] & [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Daisy[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name]
The Children: [name]Virginia[/name] [name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Lewis[/name], [name]Ezra[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Araminta[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Paxton[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Violet[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Delilah[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Frederica[/name] [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Hudson[/name] [name]Bronx[/name] [name]Harper[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name], [name]Jessamine[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name] and [name]Rowena[/name] [name]Blythe[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]-[name]Reynolds[/name].

Your name is ([name]Emily[/name] [name]Rebekah[/name] [name]Thompson[/name]). You are 21 year old third-year college student attending The University of San [name]Diego[/name] and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors ([name]Jason[/name] [name]Donnelly[/name], and he tells you their cousin, ([name]Collin[/name] [name]Jacob[/name] Parkington), is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4: Two girls
What are the kids’ names?
[name]Mila[/name] [name]Aurelia[/name] and [name]Viviana[/name] [name]Lucia[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Mila[/name] is 6, [name]Vivi[/name] is 5

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

The family lives in San [name]Clemente[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Collin[/name] Parkington, an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Collin[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, ([name]Mia[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. Parkington and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Collin[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 year

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Collin[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a journalist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
[name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. [name]Rome[/name], [name]Italy[/name]

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in LA. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. A girl
What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
What are your baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Lila[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name]
(Four) years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child ([name]Mila[/name]) comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, ([name]Valerie[/name]), is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but (five) months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, (five) weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl)

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? (GGB)
What is your baby’s name? [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Liliana[/name], [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Violet[/name], [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name]

([name]ROLL[/name] THE [name]DICE[/name]) years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in.
What is her name? [name]Cara[/name] [name]Brooke[/name]

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, ([name]Cara[/name]), is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? (girl)
What is your baby’s name? [name]Emma[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? (even=girl)
What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Alexis[/name] [name]Nevaeh[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Bailey[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Marston[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors, [name]Margaret[/name] McAlister, and she tells you her cousin, [name]James[/name] [name]Michael[/name] McAlister, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

What are the kids’ names? [name]Aurelia[/name] ”[name]Lia[/name]” [name]Marilla[/name] (6) and [name]Isolde[/name] ”[name]Izzy[/name]” [name]Minerva[/name] (2)

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)

The family lives in [name]Savannah[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]James[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]James[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Angelique[/name]. You”ve never seen Mrs. McAlister and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]James[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically clich” as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for?
2 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]James[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a (CAREER) and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose?
New Year’s

Where do you have your vacation wedding?
[name]Barcelona[/name], Spain

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Savannah[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry
3 or 4: first names from Angel Names | Nameberry, middle names from
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s): [name]Evangeline[/name] [name]Colette[/name]

1 year passes after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child, [name]Aurelia[/name], comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Minerva[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-month pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 3 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 5 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have?
3 or 4: twins

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Alice[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] and [name]Bella[/name] [name]Grace[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
1 or 2: one baby

What is your baby’s name? [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Finley[/name]

3 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and the will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from
What is his name? [name]Draco[/name] [name]Tennyson[/name]

If you rolled a…
5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Draco[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Cassie[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody
What is the baby’s name? [name]Brody[/name] [name]James[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Twin girls; first & middle names from

What are your babies’ names? [name]Avalon[/name] [name]Lorelei[/name] and [name]Adella[/name] [name]Madison[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family

Your name is [name]Pearl[/name] [name]June[/name] [name]Eliot[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Burlington College and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Aude[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Mackenzie[/name], and she tells you their cousin, Welles [name]Bradford[/name] [name]Mackenzie[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Two boys & two girls;

What are the kids’ names?
[name]Enoch[/name] [name]Jonas[/name], [name]Jethro[/name] [name]Amos[/name], [name]Selah[/name] [name]Primrose[/name], and [name]Tabitha[/name] [name]Hester[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ([name]Roll[/name] the dice for each child, ages 1-6)
1, 6, 2, 4

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)
Modern colonial-style, white with blue windows

The family lives in Montpelier, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, Welles, an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. Welles works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Joanna[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Mackenzie[/name], and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from Welles. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 6 months

After you graduate from college, you move in with Welles and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a dentist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Fourth of [name]July[/name]

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. [name]Barcelona[/name], Spain

What does your engagement ring look like?
[name]Art[/name] Nouveau style

What does your wedding dress look like?
Empire line dress

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Montpelier. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. Twin girls

What are the babies’ names?
[name]Evangeline[/name] [name]Flora[/name] and [name]Seraphina[/name] [name]Colette[/name]

4 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child, [name]Jethro[/name], comes home from school very, very upset. He swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Rose[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 5 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 2 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have?
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders?
boy, boy, girl
What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Lucian[/name] [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Collin[/name] [name]Jasper[/name], and [name]Esme[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
3 or 4: twins
What are the babies’ genders?
boy and girl
What is your baby’s name?
[name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]

5 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in.
What is his name?
[name]Tennyson[/name] [name]Bear[/name]
If you rolled a…
5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Tennyson[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Margo[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6: You and your husband raise the baby, while your stepson, who moves away to college and stays with his mother’s family, has visitation. The baby’s mother also has visitation. What is the baby’s gender?
What is the baby’s name?
[name]Desmond[/name] [name]Jude[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. Triplet girls; first & middle names from Color Names for Babies | Nameberry
What are your babies’ names?
[name]Marigold[/name] [name]Azure[/name], [name]Scarlet[/name] [name]Ruby[/name], [name]Indigo[/name] [name]Rose[/name]
No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Candace[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending University of [name]Washington[/name] and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Talia[/name] Baumgarten , and she tells you their cousin, , is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Two boys & two girl

What are the kids’ names?
[color=#40BFFF][name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Jared[/name] [name]Cyrus[/name]
[name]Amity[/name] [name]Rosanna[/name]
[name]Ester[/name] [name]Phoebe[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ([name]Roll[/name] the dice for each child, ages 1-6)
[name]Benjamin[/name] 3
[name]Jared[/name] 1
[name]Amity[/name] 5
[name]Ester[/name] 1

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)
Big mansion type house

The family lives in [name]North[/name] Bend, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Andrew[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Andrew[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Theresa[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. Baumgarten and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Andrew[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 1 year

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Andrew[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Dentist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. [name]Christmas[/name] day

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. [name]Rome[/name], [name]Italy[/name]

What does your engagement ring look like?,r:1,s:17&tx=93&ty=100&biw=1024&bih=677

What does your wedding dress look like?,r:7,s:0&biw=1024&bih=677

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Miami[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. Boy/girl twins

What are your baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Evangeline[/name] [name]Colette[/name]
[name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Cassian[/name]

4 years pass after your babies are born. Your oldest step-child [name]Amity[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Rashelle[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 4 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 1 week later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby

What are the babies’ genders? Girl

What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Ivy[/name] [name]Madeline[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins

What are the babies’ genders? One boy one girl

What is your baby’s name?
[name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name]
[name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Liliana[/name]

1 year later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, [name]Chaney[/name] [name]Reese[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.

What is your baby’s gender? Boy

What is your baby’s name? [name]Tristan[/name] [name]Jasper[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? Girl

What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Addison[/name] [name]Grace[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Your name is [name]Saffron[/name] [name]Louise[/name] [name]Stone[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending [name]Oxford[/name] and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Duncan[/name] Roads, and he tells you his cousin, [name]Elliot[/name] Roads, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names?

  1. A girl

What are the kids’ names? [name]Zaria[/name] [name]Belle[/name] Roads

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? 6 years old

To your surprise and delight, she is sweet and well-behaved. She takes an instant liking to you and you like her, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way) A large estate, built in the early 1900s but fully modernised, 2 floors plus attic, perfectly manicured garden…the perfect british estate home really!

The family lives in [name]Virginia[/name] Waters, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Elliot[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. He works normal business hours and is always home before his daughter goes to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes his daughter out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Elisabeth[/name] ([name]Lizzie[/name]). You’ve never seen Mrs. Roads and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to [name]Zaria[/name]. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges her with whatever she wants.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with Z and, more often than not, her dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Elliot[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for?
4. 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Zaria[/name], but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. [name]Zaria[/name] loves you and you love her, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Hotel Manager and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Your birthday

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. [name]Barcelona[/name], Spain

What does your engagement ring look like? vintage, one of a kind, white gold, green emerald stone

What does your wedding dress look like? grecian, drapey, floaty, ethereal

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and Z stays with your in-laws at their house in [name]London[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. A boy

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Duke[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name] Roads

3 years pass after your baby is born. Your step-child [name]Zaria[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Claudine[/name] [name]Susan[/name] Roads, is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-sister. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 1 month later, your husband receives word that she accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 4 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins
What are the babies’ genders? one of each

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Seth[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] & [name]Alice[/name] [name]Madeline[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy) A Girl

What is your baby’s name? [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Lilac[/name]

6 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
3 or 4. Your loser younger brother moves in with you after his wife divorces him.
What is his name?[name]Blake[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Stone[/name]

If you rolled a…

3 or 4: Your brother, [name]Blake[/name], asks to move in with you after his wife, [name]Tiffany[/name], divorces him. Being the big sister having to serve the prince for most of your childhood, you say no…but you can’t get the memory of your mother’s nagging voice out of your head. So, your husband tells your brother he can only live with your family if he works at your husband’s family’s business firm and pays rent to live in the guest house. To your shock, your brother agrees. But six months later, when you find out you’re pregnant, your brother brings home his pregnant girlfriend.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6. Your brother marries the girl and they have a baby girl. Six months later, parenthood and marriage has been too hard on them, they separate, and leave their daughter with you.
What is the baby girl’s name? [name]Mimi[/name] [name]Florence[/name] [name]Stone[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. Triplets
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy) 1 Girl, 2 Boys
What are your babies’ names? [name]Poppy[/name] [name]Valentina[/name], [name]Dexter[/name] [name]Sterling[/name] & [name]Felix[/name] [name]Rafferty[/name]

[name]Zaria[/name] [name]Belle[/name] (Z) 20 years
[name]Duke[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name] 10 years
[name]Seth[/name] [name]Harrison[/name] 7 years
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] ([name]Allie[/name]) 7 years
[name]Eliza[/name] [name]Lilac[/name] ([name]Liza[/name]) 6 years
[name]Mimi[/name] [name]Florence[/name] 7 months
[name]Poppy[/name] [name]Valentina[/name] 2 months
[name]Dexter[/name] [name]Sterling[/name] ([name]Dex[/name]) 2 months
[name]Felix[/name] [name]Rafferty[/name] 2 months

Your name is [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Samson[/name] nn [name]Poppy[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending University of Winnipeg and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Jacob[/name] [name]Sparrow[/name], and he/she tells you their cousin, [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Sparrow[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Two boys & two girls; boys’ first & middle names from Colonial Names for Boys | 1700s Names | Nameberry, girls’ first & middle names from Colonial Names for Girls | 1700s Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]Seth[/name] [name]Elijah[/name], [name]Emory[/name] [name]Levi[/name], [name]Emeline[/name] [name]Patience[/name], [name]Rebekah[/name] [name]Temperance[/name].

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Seth[/name], [name]Emory[/name] and [name]Rebekah[/name] are 1 year old triplets and [name]Emeline[/name] is 2 years old.

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like?,r:0,s:0&biw=1366&bih=677

The family lives in Beausejour, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Sparrow[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his early thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Alexander[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Miranda[/name] [name]Kent[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Sparrow[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the missus left the boss for a former business partner a year ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Alexander[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice

  1. 6 months

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Alexander[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as an author and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. Thanksgiving

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Lisbon, Portugal

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Calgary. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Your choice of the above or more
boy/girl twins.

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)?
[name]August[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] and [name]Eden[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name]

1 year passes after your babies are born. Your oldest step-child [name]Emeline[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He/she swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Lorraine[/name] [name]Beach[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 1 month later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 1 week later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins
What are the babies’ genders? boy/girl twins

Boys’ first name: [name]William[/name] nn [name]Liam[/name]
Boys’ middle name: [name]Jasper[/name]

Girls’ first name: [name]Alice[/name]
Girls’ middle name: [name]Madeline[/name]

What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]William[/name] [name]Jasper[/name] nn [name]Liam[/name] and [name]Alice[/name] [name]Madeline[/name].

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? girl

What is your baby’s name? [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Lily[/name]

6 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in. Her first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1999 - Behind the Name
What is her name? [name]Samara[/name] [name]Abigale[/name] nn [name]Sam[/name]

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, [name]Sam[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? boy
Boys’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Boys | Nameberry
What is your baby’s name? [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? girl
Girls’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]

What are your babies’ names?

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.
[name]Emeline[/name] 13, [name]Seth[/name], [name]Emory[/name] & [name]Rebekah[/name] 12 (stepkids), [name]August[/name] & [name]Eden[/name] 8, (adopted) [name]Liam[/name] & [name]Alice[/name] 7, [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Lily[/name] 6 and [name]Sebastian[/name] newborn.

My sister [name]Sam[/name] has a baby girl named [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name].

Your name is [name]Lily[/name] [name]Jennifer[/name] [name]Steele[/name] . You are 21 year old third-year college student attending NYU and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Alice[/name] [name]Bethany[/name] [name]Parker[/name]-[name]Harris[/name], and she tells you their cousin, [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Scott[/name] Haynsworth, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]James[/name] [name]David[/name] & [name]Anne[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] Haynsworth

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]James[/name] is 5 & [name]Anne[/name] is 3.

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like?

The family lives in Matinecock, NY, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Matthew[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Matthew[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Margaret[/name] [name]Emily[/name] [name]Stewart[/name] ”[name]Maggie[/name]”. You’ve never seen Mrs. Haynsworth and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Matthew[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. 2 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Matt[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Writer and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
6. Your birthday

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Alpine, NJ. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. A girl

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry
3 or 4: first names from Angel Names | Nameberry, middle names from 128 Cool Unique Saint Names for Babies | Nameberry
5 or 6: boys’ first names from 93 Best Boy Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry, girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] Haynsworth

Four years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]James[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Rose[/name] Nickels, is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but four months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, one weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? Girl

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name:

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] Haynsworth

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby
What are the babies’ genders? Girl

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name? [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Lelia[/name] Haynsworth

5 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in. Her first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1999 - Behind the Name
What is her name? [name]Courtney[/name] [name]Hailey[/name] [name]Bowman[/name]

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, [name]Courtney[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? Boy
Boys’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Boys | Nameberry
Girls’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your baby’s name? [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Jasper[/name] Haynsworth

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? Girl
Boys’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry
Girls’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Ella[/name] [name]Chloe[/name] [name]Bowman[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

The Haynsworth
[name]Matthew[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Matt[/name]”
[name]Lily[/name] Haynsworth
[name]James[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Jamie[/name]”
[name]Anne[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Annie[/name]”
[name]Georgia[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]George[/name]”
(A) [name]Amelia[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Mia[/name]”
[name]Juliet[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Julie[/name]”
[name]Sebastian[/name] Haynsworth ”[name]Ian[/name]”

The [name]Bowman[/name]
[name]Courtney[/name] [name]Bowman[/name]
[name]Ella[/name] [name]Bowman[/name]

Your name is [name]Lola[/name] [name]Rae[/name] [name]Stetson[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending UW and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors Prof. [name]Adeline[/name] [name]Marie[/name] [name]CarMichael[/name] “[name]Ady[/name]”, and she tells you their cousin, [name]Anderson[/name] [name]Gage[/name] Haverton “[name]Andy[/name]”, is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

DD (5): [name]Primrose[/name] [name]Phoebe[/name] “[name]Rosie[/name]”
DD (3): [name]Emeline[/name] [name]Rebekah[/name] “[name]Emi[/name]”
DS/DS (1) [name]Gideon[/name] [name]Abraham[/name] “Gid” & [name]Isaiah[/name] [name]Levi[/name] “[name]Isai[/name]”

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? Big victorian house on the water

The family lives in Seattle, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss ,[name]Andy[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Andy[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name] [name]Farley[/name] You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Farley[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Andy[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Andy[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Social Worker and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? My birthday

Where do you have your vacation wedding? Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like? Medium size princess cut

What does your wedding dress look like? White ball gown with tulle

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Olympia[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? A girl

What are the babies’ names? [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Georgia[/name]

1 year passes after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Rose[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He/she swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Tabitha[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 1 month later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 3 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? Triplets

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Claire[/name] “[name]Lia[/name]”, [name]Jade[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name], & [name]Collin[/name] [name]Harrison[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? 1 girl

What is your baby’s name? [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Violet[/name] “[name]Josie[/name]”

6 years later, an event stirs up your family.
Your loser younger brother moves in with you after his wife divorces him.
What is his name? [name]Hunter[/name] [name]Benjamin[/name]

Your brother, [name]Hunter[/name], asks to move in with you after his wife, [name]Penelope[/name], divorces him. Being the big sister having to serve the prince for most of your childhood, you say no…but you can’t get the memory of your mother’s nagging voice out of your head. So, your husband tells your brother he can only live with your family if he works at your husband’s family’s business firm and pays rent to live in the guest house. To your shock, your brother agrees. But six months later, when you find out you’re pregnant, your brother brings home his pregnant girlfriend.
What happens next?

You throw your brother and his girlfriend out. Nine months later, you find their infant boy/girl twins on your doorstep.

What are the babies’ names? [name]Eli[/name] [name]Jack[/name] & [name]Mildred[/name] [name]Joyce[/name] “[name]Milly[/name]”

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? Quads

What are your babies’ names? [name]Augustin[/name] [name]Vaughn[/name] “[name]Gus[/name]”, [name]Phineas[/name] [name]George[/name] “Phin”, [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Violet[/name], & [name]Wesley[/name] [name]Pierce[/name] “[name]Wes[/name]”

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

Parents: [name]Andy[/name] & [name]Lola[/name]
Children: [name]Rose[/name], [name]Emi[/name], Gid, [name]Isai[/name], [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Lia[/name], [name]Jade[/name], [name]Collin[/name], [name]Josie[/name], [name]Eli[/name], [name]Milly[/name], [name]Gus[/name], Phin, [name]Daphne[/name], & [name]Wes[/name]

Your name is [name]Saskia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Kingston[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending NYU and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors Prof. [name]Matthew[/name] [name]Anderson[/name], and he tells you their cousin, [name]James[/name] [name]Anderson[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. Two girls; first & middle names from 121 Cool Girl Names from Ancient Cultures | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names? [name]Valentina[/name] [name]Damaris[/name] and [name]Gaia[/name] [name]Elizabella[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Valentina[/name] 4 and [name]Gaia[/name] 1

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way),r:6,s:0

The family lives in Connecticut, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]James[/name] [name]Anderson[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]James[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Johnson[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs [name]Anderson[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]James[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for?
6. 5 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]James[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Journalist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. New Year’s

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like? Wedding Dresses & Bridal Gowns | Maggie Sottero

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Texas[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. Twin girls

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry

What are your baby’s names? [name]Romy[/name] [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Ivy[/name] [name]June[/name]

1 year passes after your twins are born. Your oldest step-child [name]Valentina[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Marley[/name] [name]Weston[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 1 month later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 2 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy) Girl, Girl, Boy

Boys’ first name: 107 Werewolf Baby Names | Nameberry
Boys’ middle name: 188 Boy Names ALWAYS in the Top 1000 | Nameberry

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name:

What is the baby(s) name(s)? [name]Lawrence[/name] [name]Matthew[/name], [name]Esme[/name] [name]Claire[/name] and [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Faith[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins

What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy) Girl and Boy

Boys’ first names: 16 Alternatives to Alexander | Nameberry
Boys’ middle names: 17 Names to Substitute for Carter | Nameberry

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name? [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Logan[/name] and [name]Arabella[/name] [name]Poppy[/name]

5 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in. Her first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1999 - Behind the Name
What is her name? [name]Lexi[/name] [name]Jane[/name]

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, [name]Lexi[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? (even=girl odd=boy) Girl
Girls’ first & middle names: Literary Names for Girls | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name? [name]Brett[/name] [name]Serafina[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? odd=boy
Boys’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Boys | Nameberry

What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Ryan[/name]

What are your babies’ names?

[name]James[/name] [name]Anderson[/name] 45 and [name]Saskia[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Anderson[/name] 34 [name]Valentina[/name] [name]Damaris[/name] 15, [name]Gaia[/name] [name]Elizabella[/name] 12, [name]Romy[/name] [name]Violet[/name] 7, [name]Ivy[/name] [name]June[/name] 7, [name]Lawrence[/name] [name]Matthew[/name] ‘[name]Laurie[/name]’ 6, [name]Esme[/name] [name]Claire[/name] 6, [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Faith[/name] 6 , [name]Nathaniel[/name] [name]Logan[/name] ‘[name]Nate[/name]’ 6, [name]Arabella[/name] [name]Poppy[/name] 6, [name]Brett[/name] [name]Serafina[/name] NB

[name]Lexi[/name] [name]June[/name] [name]Kingston[/name] 21 and [name]Gabriel[/name] [name]Ryan[/name] [name]Kingston[/name] NB

Use this six-sided dice to play

Your name is [name]Josephine[/name] [name]Samantha[/name] Withers “[name]Joey[/name]”. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending [name]Sheppard[/name] University and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors Prof. [name]Calista[/name] [name]Chloe[/name] Bakers , and she tells you their cousin, [name]Luka[/name] [name]Riley[/name] [name]Griffin[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] th

  1. A girl; her first name from Princess Names | Nameberry, middle name from 146 Names That Mean Beautiful | Nameberry

What are the kids’ names?
[name]Helene[/name] [name]Anahi[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids?[name]Helene[/name] is a year old

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like?

The family lives in [name]Theodore[/name], [name]AL[/name], an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Luka[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny.[name]Luka[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Cathleen[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Tumber. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Griffin[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Luka[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. 3 years

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Luka[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a Pediatrician and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose?
3. New Year’s

Where do you have your vacation wedding?
5. Athens, Greece

What does your engagement ring look like?

What does your wedding dress look like?

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Montevallo, [name]AL[/name] . Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
4. Twin girls

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)? [name]Dixie[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] & [name]Ella[/name] [name]Harper[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]

1 year passes after your baby’s are born. Your oldest step-child [name]Helene[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Jane[/name] [name]Eliza[/name] Clemmings, is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 4 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 5 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? 2 boys and a girl.

What is the babies names? [name]Jeremy[/name] [name]Harrison[/name], [name]Seth[/name] [name]Antonio[/name], & [name]Bianca[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Faith[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have?
1 or 2: one baby

What are the babies’ genders? A baby Girl

What is your babies name? [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Violet[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]

4 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens?
1 or 2. You discover you have a teenage half-sister who is in need of guardianship. You take her in. Her first & middle name is from Popular Names in the United States 1999 - Behind the Name
What is her name? [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] [name]West[/name]

If you rolled a…

1 or 2: Your half-sister, [name]Hannah[/name], is wild and rebellious, but you expect that since she’s grown up in foster care for most of her life. Your mom is mad at you for taking in your father’s illegitimate child, but you know you did the right thing. Once your sister realizes she’s not going anywhere, she settles down and her behavior changes. Then, she finds out she’s pregnant–and she doesn’t know who the father is. You and your husband don’t know what to think, but you support her decision to keep her baby and promise to do whatever you can to help her. The day after your sister finds out she’s pregnant, you find out you’re pregnant.
What is your baby’s gender? Our littlest Boy!

What is your baby’s name? [name]Rhett[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Griffin[/name]

What is your sister’s baby’s gender? She is honored with a little Girl!
Girls’ first & middle names: 50 Top Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry
What is your sister’s baby’s name? [name]Hailey[/name] [name]Samantha[/name] [name]West[/name]

Our Family: [name]Luka[/name] [name]Riley/name, [name]Joey[/name] [name]Samantha/name, [name]Helene[/name] [name]Anahi/name, [name]Dixie[/name] [name]Clementine[/name] & [name]Ella[/name] [name]Harper[/name] [name]Griffin/name, [name]Jeremy[/name] [name]Harrison[/name], [name]Seth[/name] [name]Antonio[/name], & [name]Bianca[/name] [name]Ruby[/name] [name]Faith[/name] [name]Griffin/name, [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Violet/name, [name]Rhett[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name](11 months). W/ my sister [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Victoria/name and her daughter [name]Hailey[/name] [name]Samantha[/name](11 months)

Your name is [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Beth[/name] [name]Lawson[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending Dartmouth and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors Dr. [name]Lily[/name] [name]Powers[/name], and she tells you their cousin, [name]Gregory[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Powers[/name], is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names?
5. Two boys; first & middle names from 172 Vintage Boy Names | Nameberry
What are the kids’ names? [name]Quincy[/name] [name]Emmett[/name] [name]Powers[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name] [name]Felix[/name] [name]Powers[/name]
[name]How[/name] old are the kids? [name]Quincy[/name] is 5, [name]Jasper[/name] is 3

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? It’s a very large stone house on a farm, complete with a barn and carriagehouse.

The family lives in Hanover, an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]Greg[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]Greg[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Jennifer[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Powers[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]Greg[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? 2. 1 year

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]Greg[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as an anthropologist and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? 4. [name]Valentine[/name]'s [name]Day[/name]
Where do you have your vacation wedding? 2. [name]Rome[/name], [name]Italy[/name]
What does your engagement ring look like? A vintage 1-carat Asscher cut diamond
What does your wedding dress look like? [name]Ivory[/name] [name]Chantilly[/name] lace with cap sleeves

You and DH stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in Hanover. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and DH weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? 6. your choice: twin girls
What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: first & middle names from Hipster Names | Nameberry
What are your babies names? [name]Flora[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] [name]Powers[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] [name]Frances[/name] [name]Powers[/name]

6 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Quincy[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. He swears he saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Emily[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 6 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 6 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? 1: one baby
What is the baby’s gender? Boy
What is the baby’s name? [name]Embry[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Powers[/name]

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? 5: triplets
What are the babies’ genders? All boys
What is your baby’s name?
[name]Alasdair[/name] [name]Truman[/name] [name]Powers[/name]
[name]Tobias[/name] [name]Decker[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Toby[/name]”
[name]Magnus[/name] [name]Preston[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Max[/name]”

6 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name? [name]Huckleberry[/name] [name]Kyd[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Huck[/name]”

If you rolled a…
5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Huck[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Jemima[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]LaRue[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
3 or 4: They keep the baby. Your stepson has joint custody. What is the baby’s gender? Girl
The baby’s first & middle names from listography: error
What is the baby’s name? [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “CJ”

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. Triplet girls; first & middle names from Color Names for Babies | Nameberry
What are your babies’ names?
[name]Ginger[/name] [name]Maize[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Ginny[/name]”
[name]Claret[/name] [name]Sienna[/name] [name]Powers[/name] “[name]Clara[/name]”
[name]Ruby[/name] [name]Lilac[/name] [name]Powers[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.

[name]Hannah[/name] and [name]Greg[/name]:
and granddaughter CJ

Your name is [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Cora[/name] [name]Daniels[/name]. You are 21 year old third-year college student attending [name]Brown[/name] University and are in need of a summer job. You complain about this to one of your professors [name]Carla[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] and she tells you their cousin, [name]William[/name] [name]Elliot[/name] [name]Audra[/name] is looking for a new nanny. While you do like kids, being someone’s nanny doesn’t sound appealing to you. But student loans need to be paid, so you swallow your pride when your professor puts in a good word for you and you go in for an interview with the man’s secretary.

Two weeks after the first interview, you are called back in for follow-up questions. You passed the first part, now comes the real test: how you interact with the boss’s children.

[name]How[/name] many kids are there & what are their names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. A boy & a girl; first & middle names from Traditional Baby Names | Nameberry
What are the kids’ names?
[name]Peter[/name] [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Audra[/name]
[name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Anne[/name] [name]Audra[/name]

[name]How[/name] old are the kids? ([name]Roll[/name] the dice for each child, ages 1-6)

To your surprise and delight, the children are sweet and well-behaved. They take an instant liking to you and you like them, too. According to the secretary, the boss is pleased and you’re scheduled to start as soon as school lets out as the family’s new live-in nanny.

What does the boss’s house look like? (he’s really rich, by the way)
Large brownstone with an indoor swimming pool in the basement

The family lives in [name]Boston[/name] an hour’s drive away from the town where you school is located. The first day you start you meet your boss, [name]William[/name] [name]Audra[/name], an attractive, well-dressed businessman in his late thirties. He’s nice to you and pays you well, as well as gives you all the necessities to look after the children during the day. But you’re simply the nanny. [name]William[/name] works normal business hours and is always home before his kids go to bed. You like him–a lot.

While your boss takes the kids out for a day to give you some time off, you use the opportunity to interrogate the housekeeper, [name]Maria[/name]. You’ve never seen Mrs. [name]Audra[/name] and you’re wondering where she is. The housekeeper tells you that the misses left the boss for a former business partner two years ago. She signed over all her parental rights to her ex-husband and no one has heard from her since. The housekeeper also mentions that before the divorce, the boss was so caught up in his family’s business firm he hardly paid attention to the kids. But since their mother left, he feels awful, as he feels it’s his fault, and indulges the children with whatever they want.

For the rest of the summer, you go on day trips with the kids and, more often than not, their dad tags along. But as the new school term approaches, you talk to your boss regarding your work schedule. You want to continue to be the children’s nanny, but you’re worried it could interfere with your schooling. He understands and you two come to an agreement: you’ll be a back-up for the new nanny, who was the runner-up after you, in case she gets fired or is on vacation.

Two months into your final year of college, you get a surprising phone call from [name]William[/name]. He asks if you’re doing anything [name]Saturday[/name] night. You say no, you have the night off from your new job, a waitress at a local coffee shop. He wants to know if you would like to go out to dinner with him. You’re caught off guard, no clue to how to respond to something as ironically cliche as dating the nanny. He admits he’s been thinking a lot about you lately and apologizes if he’s bothered you. You reassure him it’s OK and say yes to dinner.

[name]How[/name] long do you date your former boss for? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. 1 year

After you graduate from college, you move in with [name]William[/name] and his kids, but as his new girlfriend, not the nanny. The children love you and you love them, as well as their father. He lets you have your own career as a magazone editor and doesn’t expect you to come work for him at his family’s firm or be a trophy wife, which makes you love him more. On a special holiday, he asks you to marry him, and a year later the two of you have a large, glamorous vacation wedding.

On what holiday does DH propose? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3. New Year’s

Where do you have your vacation wedding? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. [name]Barcelona[/name], Spain

What does your engagement ring look like?
What does your wedding dress look like? (with sleeves)
You and [name]William[/name] stay another week for a small honeymoon when the guests leave for home and the children stay with your in-laws at their house in [name]Boston[/name]. Three months after you come home, you find out you’re pregnant. Of course, you and [name]William[/name] weren’t planning on having kids so early, but why would you wait any longer?

[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
4. Twin girls

What are the babies’ names? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
5 or 6: girls’ first names from 160 Best Girl Names Starting with Vowels | Nameberry, middle names from 100 Yupster Baby Names for Girls | Nameberry

What are your baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Elodie[/name] [name]Brooke[/name] [name]Audra[/name]
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name] [name]Audra[/name]

5 years pass after your baby is born. Your oldest step-child [name]Charlotte[/name] comes home from school very, very upset. She swears they saw their mother watching them as they were leaving school. Sure enough, an hour later, your husband’s ex-wife, [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Clements[/name], is at the front door. She is eight and a half-months pregnant. She says that her latest husband left her after she found out she was pregnant. She doesn’t want the baby, but feels that it should be with its half-siblings. You can tell this woman is trouble and leaving a child with her would be a bad idea. DH agrees and you adopt the baby(s) after they are born. The mother disappears, but 3 months later, your husband receives word that the woman accidentally overdosed and died. Then, 2 weeks later, you find out you’re pregnant.

[name]How[/name] many babies did DH’s ex-wife have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
1 or 2: one baby

What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)

Girls’ first name: Vampire Names | Nameberry
Girls’ middle name: What is the baby(s) name(s)?
[name]Amelia[/name] [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Audra[/name]
[name]How[/name] many babies do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
3 or 4: twins

What are the babies’ genders? (even=girl odd=boy)

Girls’ first names: 67 Elegant Alternatives to Charlotte | Nameberry
Girls’ middle names: 81 Alternatives to Lily | Nameberry

What is your baby’s name?
[name]Celia[/name] [name]Violet[/name] [name]Audra[/name]
[name]Josephine[/name] [name]Flora[/name] [name]Audra[/name]

3 years later, an event stirs up your family. What happens? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
5 or 6. A high school girlfriend of your husband’s is killed in a car accident and her will reveals she had a son by him. You and your husband take him in. His first & middle name comes from 150+ Weird Celebrity Baby Names | Nameberry
What is his name?
[name]Deacon[/name] [name]Cruz[/name]
If you rolled a…

5 or 6: Your responsible husband takes in his teenage son, [name]Deacon[/name]. He’s a well-adjusted, good-natured boy whom you adore and is a wonderful big brother to his younger siblings. Unfortunately, after a night of partying with his new friends, he drinks a little too much and does something he regrets the next morning. A few weeks later, he cautiously approaches you and your husband, revealing he’s gotten a girl he knows, [name]Danielle[/name] [name]Hudson[/name], pregnant. Of course, you and your husband are furious, but once you’ve calmed down, you tell him you’ll do your best at being supportive at whatever they decide. Then, you find out you’re pregnant with your own child a week later.
What happens next? [name]Roll[/name] the dice.
1 or 2: The girl has an abortion.

[name]How[/name] many babies’ do you have? [name]Roll[/name] the dice
2. Twin boys; first & middle names from 154 Cool Names with a Strong O | Nameberry

What are your babies’ names?
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Milo[/name] [name]Audra[/name]
[name]Owen[/name] [name]Emilio[/name] [name]Audra[/name]

No matter what happens, you and your husband end up with a huge, happy family.