Naming characters is a special part of the writing process. Last names, however, always get me! My latest story is still in development, and a few characters are in need of last names. Due to the setting of my story, last names are important. That being said, I’m at a loss for the right ones.
Please help me find last names for these precious characters! Thanks in advance!
[name_m]Callahan[/name_m] (Male. Strong, sarcastic, a bit negative, but has a humorous side to him. His friends call him [name_u]Cal[/name_u], for short.)
[name_u]Harley[/name_u] (Female. Enthusiastic, “natural leader” type, is always friendly towards others and doesn’t bother with the formalities.)
[name_u]Jackie[/name_u] (Female. A bit androgynous in appearance, I think the word is. Quiet but can have a short fuse at times, has strong physical abilities, and is a loyal friend.)
[name_u]Meredith[/name_u] (Female. Creative, responsible, and a bit of a peacekeeper among her friends. She tends to be an over achiever and works herself too hard at times.)
So what do you guys think? I’m specifically having trouble with [name_u]Cal[/name_u], because his name can be used as a surname as well. I’m not sure what fits! Any ideas are appreciated.