The nickname Cricket for Felicity?

I saw somebody post about the nickname [name]Cricket[/name] for [name]Felicity[/name] and I really like it if it works! Can somebody explain how you get [name]Cricket[/name] from [name]Felicity[/name]? [name]Do[/name] you like it/do you think it works?

I think [name]Cricket[/name] is sweet as a term of endearment, but I don’t quite see how you can get it from [name]Felicity[/name]. However, it has been my favorite nickname for [name]Katherine[/name] for years.

In all honestly, I never understood how anyone got the nickname [name]Cricket[/name] for names.

I don’t see why anyone would want to call their child [name]Cricket[/name] either, I’m definitely not a fan of the name. [name]Cricket[/name] to me is a sport or things to feed to snakes.

To me it sounds like a way to up the cuteness on otherwise androgynous [name]Chris[/name].

A NN for [name]Christine[/name], [name]Crisanta[/name], [name]Christabel[/name], [name]Christiana[/name], etc.

Or an elaboration on [name]Kit[/name], so yeah, back to [name]Katherine[/name] and variants, as mentioned by PP.

I do wonder if the connection from [name]Felicity[/name] was from [name]Flick[/name] to Crick, though. Still sounds like a pain, and a rather unnatural evolution of NNs.

I don’t get it, either. I think it sounds kind of contrived and overly cutesy.

It would sound like an unrelated nickname to me. Which is fine. Not every nickname has to be based on your legal name. Lots of people call their newborns “bean” etc. And a lot of people pick up really random nicknames in childhood. So…yeah, I don’t see the relation, but I don’t think there needs to be one.

I saw it once on post here and fell in love with it! I think it was something along the lines of [name]Felicity[/name] to [name]Flick[/name] and then [name]Flick[/name] to [name]Cricket[/name]. It is definitely a stretch but I think it’s adorable. I think it works even more for you since her MN is [name]Charlotte[/name]. It gives the -et ending to [name]Cricket[/name].

Unrelated nickname… But not all nicknames need to be related…

[name]Cricket[/name] feels more like a term of endearment to me, so I don’t think it matters.

I don’t see how you could get [name]Cricket[/name] from [name]Felicity[/name]…or any name really, for that matter. I think of it as more of a pet name than a nickname, so I guess you could use it for any name.

agree with this

Ditto, I don’t know how it connects, but I do think it’s a cute nn

My daughter’s name is [name]Felicity[/name] and although I think the nn [name]Cricket[/name] is incredibly cute, I really do not see how they are related. Fliss/Lissy/Flissy seem to be my girl’s most natural nns so far.

I dislike [name]Felicity[/name] tbh. Sounds fussy to me. But I really like [name]Cricket[/name] as a nn. I’ve kinda liked crickets ever since I read A [name]Cricket[/name] in Times Square in the 5th grade. :slight_smile:

I agree [name]Cricket[/name] is not an intuitive nickname for [name]Felicity[/name] but I don’t really think it matters.