I started quarantine with the idea that I would have a lot of time to finally make some headway on my current WIPs. And I did! But now I’m 2 weeks into Camp NaNo and I have reached the point with all of my WIPs where the mere thought of them makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and tear my hair out strand by strand in frustration.
To justify working on something else for a couple weeks, I’m doing a shorter story associated with one of my other WIPs that might become important in the main plot. I’ll give you some background on the bigger project and then explain where this fits in.
The story takes place in 2023 and 2024 in a fictional college town in Southern [name_u]California[/name_u]. I’m not sure if this one will have the same setting but it will definitely take place in the US. All of these characters would have been born around 2008. In the main story, a girl named [name_f]Amara[/name_f] is adopted by an assassin at age 8. At the time, she lived with her abusive stepfather after her mom was killed in a car crash. The assassin killed her stepfather and raised [name_f]Amara[/name_f] like her own kid. [name_m]Minor[/name_m] spoiler here but throughout the events of the story, which takes place when [name_f]Amara[/name_f] is 19, she discovers that her mom was also an assassin.
The Protected Children is a list of kids whose parents have either died or gone missing and were involved in shady business. The idea is that other assassins (or people of similar criminal trades) will keep these kids safe from the bad people their parents may have been involved with and, well, protect them.
I have four MCs at the moment but in the spirit of not overwhelming you, I’ve split this up into two parts. Here are MCs 1 and 2, and I’ll have MCs 3 and 4 out later. I have some name options for all of them so all I need you to do is pick a favorite! If you have suggestions or thoughts, I’m all ears!
Brief description: The newbie. She doesn’t know anything about her mom’s involvement in crime except that her family moves a lot and when she was 11, her mom stopped moving with them. She lives with her dad (who likely worked with her mom at one point), a technology whiz who settled with basic IT jobs after his wife went missing, and her younger sister.
Personality: Witty, cunning, and introverted. She’s the kind who seems quiet and sweet but would destroy anyone in a game of Cards Against Humanity. She always has something sassy or witty to say in response to others but doesn’t always share. She’s strong, stubborn, and technologically inclined like her dad.
Looks: Age 16, blonde hair and hazel eyes. She’s a competitive dancer (hip hop and jazz being her favorite styles) so she’s short but muscular, and extremely flexible.
For her name: My “name-speration” for her is Maesi Caes, so modern and maybe spelled weird. Some ideas I’m considering
[name_f]Emersyn[/name_f] (maybe nn [name_f]Emmy[/name_f])
[name_f]Averi[/name_f] (I might consider [name_u]Avery[/name_u])
Makinley (or another spelling of [name_u]McKinley[/name_u])
Brynley (or another spelling)
Brief description: The self-proclaimed leader of the group. He’s known about the Protected Children the longest because his siblings are much older than him and told him when they figured it out. His older sister ([name_f]Maddie[/name_f]) went missing two years before this story takes place, which is what prompts him to get involved.
Personality: Puts on an act that he’s tough and unbreakable but underneath that layer, he’s an anxious person. Bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes will say things he later regrets because he lashes out when he feels like he needs to protect himself.
Looks: Age 17, curly brown hair, brown eyes, lots of freckles, and the beginnings of a goatee.
For his name: I know I want something short, trendy, and modern. Some ideas I’m considering
If you’ve made it this far, you’re amazing! Thank you for any help!!