The Saga Continues - WDYT of...

Me again!

Sorry to keep picking your brains, but we’re still struggling with boys names. When it’s come down to it we’ve decided to go more conservative for our child, but still a bit weird/geeky/quirky - we don’t want to be too normal :wink:

I’d like to know peoples thoughts on [name_m]Lorcan[/name_m], Hoban and [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] please.

Other potential boys names are:
[name_m]Callen[/name_m] and Theoden.

Our girls names short list:
Brienne, [name_f]Persephone[/name_f], [name_f]Theia[/name_f] and Corellia.

I’m sure it’s bound to be a boy with the amount we’re struggling with names!

Surname is D@rl!ng

Thank you in advance!

Eza D@rling has a nice ring to it. [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] is not a favorite of mine, but it sounds great with your l ast name.
[name_m]Lorcan[/name_m] I don’t care for. Hoban I don’t know how to pronounce.
My favorite is [name_m]Callan[/name_m](this spelling), Theoden, and [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] in that order.

I wonder if you might like [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m], [name_u]Leighton[/name_u], or [name_m]Hadrian[/name_m].
i love Brienne, [name_f]Persephone[/name_f], and [name_f]Theia[/name_f]!

I like [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] too. Hoban is just Ho-ban no fancy pronunciation.

All our name choices have some geeky reference to them; which I know many Berries don’t approve of.

I’m so happy with our girls list. I worry about sibsets too - personally I think [name_m]Callen[/name_m] doesn’t match any of our girl choices if we were to have a sibling.

Hoban: I see two things when it comes to this name. Hobo and Ho-ban like there’s a ban on prostitutes. I could be the only one though since I tend to see potential sexual references where some may not. Looking it up, there are some great positive associations with the name that I think add well to its use as a name.
[name_m]Lorcan[/name_m]: Handsome
[name_m]Ezra[/name_m]: Handsome
[name_m]Callen[/name_m]: I don’t love it as much as the others, but I still think it would work well.
Theoden: nice nn potential here; I like the full name a lot too though

I really like your girl names
Brienne: I like the nn [name_f]Bri[/name_f], so I love this one.
[name_f]Persephone[/name_f]: I love the goddess. I don’t know how wearable it would be as a first name, but if [name_m]Apollo[/name_m] is wearable [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] should be able to do it too.
[name_f]Theia[/name_f]: I really like it!
Corellia: great nn potential here; To be honest, I originally read [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f]/[name_f]Cornelia[/name_f] and then had to back up and look again. Obviously, I’m not a huge [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars fan since I had to look it up lol

I like Theoden with your girl names, except it might be too close to [name_f]Theia[/name_f] for some tastes.

[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Ezra[/name_m]! But I am not a big fan of the others.

I do worry about the ‘Ho’ ‘Ban’ comment you made. I didn’t want to mention it as I wondered if anyone would pick up on it.

Thank you for your feedback.

I like [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] and [name_f]Persephone[/name_f]!