The Teaser Game

No longer foggy-headed, [name_u]Sam[/name_u] once again came into his senses.

Next: once

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Laura took out the cookie dough catalog and showed it to her friends.

“Wow, you got a lot of customers already,” Alex said and smiled. “Wait’ll Danny hears.”

Laura grinned back and nodded. “He’ll be so proud! And just wait: Once I reach five hundred dollars, I’ll be closer to First Prize than snobby Marissa Bushman! She won’t know what hit her!” She let out a comically maniacal laugh, earning nervous glances from Bones and Skip.

Next word: maniacal


“I didn’t ask you to bang on the door like a maniac.”

Next: bang

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[name_f]My[/name_f] banged-up friend laughed, then regretted it, clutching his side. “I don’t care. You can say whatever you want,” he said.

next: regret

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[name_m]Allen[/name_m] regretted rising from his bed this morning. Of course the one time he decided not to laze in bed until midday and actually be a good friend this happens.

Next word: actual

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He thought, maybe, he could read that new book about steamships he’d been eyeing but hadn’t found the time to actually peruse.

Next: thought

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Away from the voices, he thought and took off down the street, weaving his way around broken glass and disfigured chunks of stone and shards of rotting wood.

Completely forgot to put the next word, sorry!!
Next: weave/weaving


[name_f]Laura[/name_f] went to her room and looked around, weaving her way around the hurricane-like mess that greeted her. Finally, she managed to get to her desk, where she placed her backpack.

“I really need to clean up in here.”

Next word: greet/greeted/greeting(s)

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“You’re a frosty one, aren’t you?” He extended his hand in a polite greeting, “I’m Arthur–”

Next: frosty

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[name_u]Luca[/name_u] pressed a hand to the frosty window, making [name_f]Alette[/name_f] cry out as the strange curling patterns were melted away beneath it. “See? You couldn’t wipe this off from the outside.”
“Why would I want to? It’s [name_u]July[/name_u], [name_u]Luca[/name_u], there shouldn’t be any frost to begin with! Oh, don’t touch it!”

Next: strange


“This is strange,” [name_f]Laura[/name_f] said after realizing how much time had passed since she’s gotten home from school. “Where are they?!” She checked the DVR clock in the living room after turning on a [name_m]Law[/name_m] & Order marathon, then checked her phone, only to find no messages or missed calls. It was around nine-thirty at night, so it had been approximately six hours since then. Her parents were supposed to be home at about six-thirty. Three hours had passed without a single word from either her mom or dad. She knew at least one parent would have called periodically to check in on her, make sure she did her homework, and possibly let her know they’d be late, and both would have been home in time for dinner.

After looking out the window in hopes of seeing her parents walking up the driveway, Laura’s face fell. Hands shaking, she quickly sent a text to [name_f]Sara[/name_f], [name_u]Danny[/name_u], and her friends.

Something’s not right. Mom and Dad never came home. No messages, no calls, nothing! What should I do? Should I call the police???

Next word: marathon

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[name_u]Penny[/name_u] scoffed. “Please, the only marathon you’d have a chance of winning at is a kindergarten marathon.”

Next word: scoff

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A tad annoyed and irritated that I only have one person on my side, I scoff, “That doesn’t matter at the moment. We can decide that with them when it becomes necessary. Right now I would like to know who is on my side. I propose we take a vote.”

next word: vote

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[name_f]Sadie[/name_f] grimaced. “I’m scared to vote. If I vote for [name_f]Olivia[/name_f], it’ll be partly my fault when [name_u]Danny[/name_u] runs away and never returns and then our whole legal system falls apart. And if I vote for Danny… we’d be lucky to make it out of the city.”

next word: legal

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Soon, Father [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] approached them and said, “Not so fast. There is still a bit of business to attend to. Specifically, you children must sign the marriage certificate. Without that formality, this wedding of yours will be no more legally binding than two youngsters playing house.”

Next: wedding

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“I’m leaving after the wedding,” [name_u]Danny[/name_u] whispered to [name_f]Sadie[/name_f]. Her heart froze.

“I’m not coming with you.”

“Not even to save Molly’s life?”

She stared straight ahead at the well-groomed couple. Still, she felt Danny’s handsome blue eyes boring into her. “You’re bluffing,” she hissed through gritted teeth.

[name_u]Danny[/name_u] laughed under his breath. “So what if I am?”

Next word: blue

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The beast was easily fifty feet in length, and its colossal mouth was opened wide, displaying an array of razor-sharp, dagger-shaped teeth. Two bony horns rested menacingly atop its head, which was set off by a large frill protruding from its thick neck. Armor-like scales in iridescent hues of various blues, greens, and purples covered its whole body. The dragon roared and hissed as it circled their ship. Where had this monster come from so suddenly, and how were they supposed to escape from this unexpected threat?

Next: threat

“You’re what?” shrieked [name_f]Molly[/name_f], dropping her hairbrush to the floor.

“Hush!” [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] exclaimed, glancing at the door to make sure it was shut.

[name_f]Molly[/name_f] grasped her sister’s wrist. “Did he threaten you?”

[name_f]Sadie[/name_f] held in the tears that pricked her eyes. Why did she have to make the stupid mistake of telling her? “No, no… just don’t tell anyone. I don’t know where we’re going, so don’t try to force it out. Go enjoy your reception and pretend like none of this happened.”

The bride just stared. “How? Why, why, Sadie?” The concern and anger only grew.

“I don’t know. [name_m]Just[/name_m] stop asking.” And then with a brief, solemn hug, she ran out into the main hall, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, and then into the rain where [name_u]Danny[/name_u] waited.

Next word: rain

“You’re drenched,” [name_m]Lance[/name_m] remarked, looking over to his companion.

“I got caught in the rain,” [name_u]Gabriel[/name_u] replied, shaking his long locks like a wet dog, and splattering the prince with lukewarm water droplets. “Though, I see you are as dry as a bone.”

Next: dry

“Yeah,” I say, finally forming words in my mouth, but my throat feels dry. It hurts to speak,

next word: forming