
Recent suggestion on another of my posts. I can’t stop thinking about this one. So, looking for some more extensive critiscism/opinions on [name]Thea[/name] Drinkwater sister to [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name] please. Thanks, [name]Val[/name] x

I love it! I think it fits perfect with [name]Daisy[/name] and [name]Joel[/name]. It’s adorable but it ages well too :slight_smile:

Thanks [name]Nichole[/name]! Any other opinions?

I love [name]Thea[/name]! I think it goes really well with the other 2 and [name]Thea[/name] is so sweet and but not over used and it would age fine.

It’s not my personal “style” but I do actually like it and it does have a nice flow with your other children’s names. Would definitely be a nice choice for #3!

[name]Just[/name] curious…how are you pronouncing this? As [name]Taya[/name], [name]Thay[/name]-a, or like [name]Theo[/name] with an a?

Oh, I love [name]Thea[/name]! I would use it if I could, but I already have a [name]Leo[/name]. [name]Leo[/name] & [name]Thea[/name] might be a bit too matchy :frowning:

Like [name]Theo[/name] with an a! thee-ah. Never really considered that it could be pronounced differently! Was thinking [name]Thea[/name] [name]Louise[/name] Drinkwater - what do you think?