Theophilus? Yay or nay?

So I’m still looking for a name for this character in one of my stories. He’s a teenager/young adult most likely and he goes to school with a girl named October whom hates/has a mere dislike for him. The reason being is because she makes fun of him a lot. Mainly because her name is October. I want an equally goofy name so she can tease him back. I found Theophilus (prnd: the-off-ah-liss) in Hogwarts Legacy. Does it fit? Yay or nay? What are other names I could use for him instead?

Description for him:
He’s a 18-19, maybe even 20 year old. He has two friends, one being his best friend Jonathan and the other being Keiran. I depict him as being slightly rude (like he was to October) and isn’t a gentleman. He’s a little dismissive and doesn’t really care for other’s feelings sometimes which make him seem more insensitive than he’s trying to come off as. He has a bit of a crush on October, not going to lie but October ends up being with Jonathan over him because Jonathan is a gentleman, is nice and is more charming than Theo is.

I was going to use Theo (or another normal nn) for him which is what friends use to call him but Philosophy or something more stupid is what October calls him instead because he makes fun of her name a lot (usually he’s the one who initiates the teasing first).

I wouldn’t.


[name_m]Oswald[/name_m] (Ozzie, Waldo)
[name_m]Pharaoh[/name_m] (Ro, maybe she could tease him with Feefee?)
[name_u]Wallace[/name_u] (Ace, Wally)

Hopefully these help! :slight_smile:

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I think it fits for what you’re going for :slight_smile:

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It’s a no for me .
I think readers would have a hard time pronouncing the name on their head, which can make the read feel choppy

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I don’t understand where the second O sound comes from? I would pronounce it thee-oh-FILL-us, and that feels like a really easy pronunciation to figure out. but I don’t get where you’re getting the second O sound in thee-oh-OFF-fill-us, unless it’s spelled Theoophilus?

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I like it haha

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That could work. If you like it, go for it🙂!

I have a character named Gulliver. His younger brother calls him Gully. He hates it.

Actually, I just realized that there’s something even worse you could call someone named Gulliver (nothing against Gully, I actually like the name). Gullible. Gullible Gulliver. So, that’s another option.

But, for a modern day human, I think Theophilus might work better. Mostly cause Theo (a favorite nickname) sounds awesome as a day to day name. October could also call him Philosopher. Or just Phil (nothing against Phil), if the character doesn’t like being called that. I’ve got a character named Mehitabel, who my character Donny (who is a bit like your character) calls Belle sometimes. Long story short, he annoys her. A lot.

@SparkleNinja18 that O sound may have been a typo. Oops lmao. Autocorrect loves to hate me

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@GeographyDragon I love Gulliver!! Gullible lol. That’s the best ha! Philosopher is the best comeback. [name_u]October[/name_u] is also a goth/emo kid who likes music and so much other things and he just teases her so yeah. She hates him… a lot and he doesn’t understand why lmao. Omg she could tease him with calling him [name_m]Aristotle[/name_m] or [name_m]Plato[/name_m] :rofl::rofl:

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I named someone [name_m]Thelonious[/name_m] “Theo”. Go for it.


@FictionWriterKate I love that name!

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