Things You Should Never Ever Say to a Berry

What are the things that you should NEVER [name]EVER[/name] say to a [name]Berry[/name]?Which lines would leave you open mouthed and gasping for breath? Bring your real life stories and made up conversations to this thread.

  • Whirligig

“Well that’s…different/unique.”

In response to my daughter’s name hahaaa. I don’t get offended really but it’s such thinly veiled code for “Well that’s a weird one!” And it’s funny when it’s obvious they hate it and are searching for something complimentary to say!!

That name is too Youneek or Kre8tyv. and Ewwww.

Never happened to me, but still, it can offend someone.

~[name]Jasmine[/name] :slight_smile:

Agreed with the ppts, EXCEPT if they’re asking for critism. In that case I think anything goes!

Me: Excuse me-do you know where the baby name books are kept?
Librarian: Looks at my belly.
Me: (shakes head) I’m not pregnant.

I guess it is weird to see a 14 year old looking for babynaming books!