I think my husband and I are down to two names for our little boy due in [name]June[/name]. Yay!
We are about 90% set on [name]Theodore[/name], but a name that keeps getting brought up is [name]Sebastian[/name].
We love [name]Theodore[/name] for the nicknames, and [name]Sebastian[/name] is a mouthful without any really good nickname potential so that’s why we keep holding off really feeling that I think.
I’m not a person that NEEDS a nickname, but I do think a long, 3 syllable name is easier to get by with a solid nickname and [name]Bas[/name] and [name]Seb[/name] are just not doing it for us.
Anyhow I wanted to hear the general consensus about the two names and as many opinions as possible. I don’t mind negative opinions, but “ick, I hate them” are not necessarily helpful unless you give some kind of reasoning.
Honestly, I love [name]Sebastian[/name]. I love the nns [name]Seb[/name], [name]Bas[/name], and [name]Ash[/name], and I love the connection to Twelfth [name]Night[/name]. [name]Theodore[/name] is a lovely name, but I have a strong aversion to the nn [name]Theo[/name]; I just can’t get into it, and while I like [name]Theodore[/name], I’ve heard it so much on Nameberry that it’s starting to feel overdone. I’m just sort of tired of it, it’s become a bit blah. It is a lovely name, though, and [name]Teddy[/name] is adorable, imo. Either one would serve your son well.
I like both, but my vote is for [name]Theodore[/name], because I love the nn [name]Theo[/name].
I think if you went with [name]Sebastian[/name], the nn Bash is adorable.
Divided thread!!! Thanks for the input. Still not feeling those [name]Sebastian[/name] nicknames though :-/ I do like [name]Bastian[/name] but for some reason it doesn’t really sound much like a nickname since it is still bit long.
The nice thing about [name]Sebastian[/name] is it is very popular in Europe as well as here and my husband is European.
I love [name]BOTH[/name] these names! That doesn’t usually happen to me here. Either is fine, both are fantastic, have great history, and are approachable. The question is, what is best for you? [name]How[/name] do they sound with your last name? [name]Do[/name] you look up to any Theos or Sebastians from history/literature? [name]Do[/name] you have a middle picked out?
I much prefer [name]Sebastian[/name]. [name]Theodore[/name] is getting tired on this site. I love [name]Bas[/name], [name]Ian[/name], [name]Seb[/name], [name]Bastian[/name], and just [name]Sebastian[/name] on its own. I agree with the other posters, what’s your last name like? Middle name?
Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of [name]Sebastian[/name].
[name]Theodore[/name] [name]Kenan[/name] sounds dashing, and [name]Theo[/name]/[name]Teddy[/name] are absolutely charming!
Please [name]DON[/name]'T take into consideration if you think [name]Theodore[/name] is overplayed on THIS site since they isn’t real life the the bottom line is it’s barely in the top 300! I realize certain names do get a lot of play on here, but if you can please put that aside if you can.
[name]Both[/name] of these names are great! But I love [name]Theodore[/name]- [name]Theo[/name], [name]Ted[/name], and [name]Teddy[/name] are all good NNs. [name]Theodore[/name] [name]Kenan[/name] has a lovely ring to it.
It’s seems like your leaning towards [name]Theodore[/name] so if that’s the case then I would go with that. Personally I loove [name]Sebastian[/name]! The current nn I’m obsessing over is Bash. Other nicknames could be [name]Eben[/name], [name]Zeb/name, or Tian maybe?
I just have to tell you I’m jealous. Those names are wonderful and I’d have a name for our lo coming in about a week but my husband doesn’t like them! I agree that it’s harder to find a nickname for [name]Sebastian[/name]…we would have gone with [name]Bas[/name] or [name]Baz[/name]. I liked teddy or theo with [name]Theodore[/name].
[name]Both[/name] names are on my own list but I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name], where [name]Theodore[/name] is just on there as a middle name. As far as where I am is concerned I think [name]Theodore[/name] is more popular which works against it for me, also I’ve met one or two Theodores / Theos and no Sebastians at all!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! To the poster who said we were leaning towards [name]Theodore[/name]–yep, like I said in the first post, we were about 90% set on [name]Theodore[/name], but for some reason [name]Sebastian[/name] is the one name we kept going back to. I was hoping someone might have some nickname inspiration for us, but for some reason all the shortened forms of it just are not to our taste. Which is too bad because [name]Sebastian[/name] is an absolutely amazing name! With a long, 3-syllabul name I think there is no question that it will be shortened throughout his life, so it seems prudent that we actually like the nn’s. Not that any of them are horrible, we just aren’t digging them completely.
But maybe when DH gets used to being a dad and decides not having hte perfect nn isn’t a total dealbreaker we will grace the next boy with the name [name]Sebastian[/name] (if we have one!). I just want one girl so I get my [name]Eloise[/name]!!! Hahaha (kidding – as long as baby is healthy I’m happy!).
Plus, “[name]Teddy[/name]” seems fitting in a way in our house. [name]One[/name] of our dogs is “Medo” which means “bear” in many slavic countries…named as such because GSD puppies look like little bear cubs (and we needed a “M” name). So it would be kind of cute/funny to have 2 “bears” in the house.
Now we just have to settle on one of the 4 middle names for sure (assuming DH doesn’t add anything else to the mix).