Your name is ___, you’re 19 and studying ___ in university. You have ___ hair and ____ eyes. In your second year, you meet and start to date a 21 year old man named ____ who is studying studying ____. He is '" with ___ hair and ___ eyes.
After four years of dating, you get married. Your wedding is in ____ and your honeymoon is in ____. You buy a big home in ____.
You become pregnant 6 months after getting married. It’s a boy! He looks just like his dad, so you want to honor that in either his first or middle name.
[name]Son[/name] 1: (dad’s hair, dad’s eyes)
Right after your son is born, you try for another child, but with no luck. When he is nearly 3, you undergo fertility treatments and soon become pregnant with triplets! It’s two girls and one boy. You decide to give them nature middle names.
Daughter 1 (dad’s eyes, blonde hair):
Daughter 2 (brown eyes, ____ hair):
[name]Son[/name] 2 (one blue one green eye, blonde hair):
Your first son is now 5, your triplets are 2, and you want more kids! Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to get pregnant this time, and a little baby girl is born. Your husband wants her to have your name as her middle name.
Daughter 3 (____ hair, blue eyes):
Now your first son is 7, your triplets are 4, and your third daughter is 1. You decide to have one more, but again you are having problems getting pregnant. You 4-month-old twin siblings from the country of . They are a boy and a girl. You decide to keep their original names as middle names.
Adopted boy ( hair, ___ eyes):
Adopted girl (__ hair, ___ eyes):
Your son is now 8, your triplets are 5, your third daughter is 2 and your adopted twins are 1. So you have seven kids in total. For some strange reason, you desire to have more kids. You really want to be pregnant again, so you go through the trouble of having fertility treatments again.
You finally become pregnant when your son is 10, your triplets are 7, your third daughter is 4 and your twins are 3. You become pregnant with sextuplets this time!
Sext. boy 1 (dad’s hair, mom’s eyes):
Sext. boy 2 (dad’s hair, blue eyes):
Sext. boy 3 (brown hair, dad’s eyes):
Sext. girl 1 (mom’s hair, mom’s eyes):
Sext. girl 2 (blonde hair, blue eyes):
Sext. girl 3 (dad’s hair, dad’s eyes):
That’s enough, no more kids! The rooms in your (enormous) home are made up like this:
Room 1:
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 8: