Thoughts about Henry?

We are having a tough time coming up with a name for our second boy. His middle name is going to be [name]Thomas[/name], but we haven’t been able to agree on a first name until we hit on “[name]Henry[/name]” last night.

My husband’s dad, who died 10 years ago, had “[name]Henry[/name]” as a middle name, and so did his dad and his grandpa. Their first names were “[name]George[/name]” but I find that name too old-fashioned.

I know [name]Henry[/name] might also be considered old-fashioned, but a look at top baby names for 2008 puts it at number 78, so it’s not in the same category as [name]George[/name].

For our other children we have always taken care to choose names that are in the top 100–we can both remember kids getting mercilessly teased about their unusual names and we want to spare our kids from such torment. We don’t want a super trendy name, either, though … we want something that will hold up over time and not sound dated in a few years.

So anyone have any thoughts on [name]Henry[/name]? At number 78 is it still too old-fashioned or is it becoming more fashionable? [name]Do[/name] you think a child named [name]Henry[/name] would be subject to any teasing?


[name]Henry[/name] is a very popular name in many parts of the country. Then in other parts it’s considered kind of old-fashioned. In my little city [name]Henry[/name] is very common. However twenty minutes away in La [name]Crescenta[/name] - where we used to live, I bet [name]Henry[/name] is still a frumpy name.
It would help if you could let us know where you live and what your area is like.

Thank you, we live in [name]California[/name]'s “[name]Gold[/name] Country” in a smallish town called Grass [name]Valley[/name]. This is kind of a crunchy area, with a big green movement, lots of attachment parenting groups, liberal thought mixed in with more than a few cowboys and older folks who are kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum. I’d say it’s a diverse community, but probably leaning more towards the hippyish.

I love [name]Henry[/name]! I also adore [name]George[/name].

As it is a classic, I do not think it will become dated, and it is great that you have a family connection. I also do not think it is old-fashioned.

What are your other children’s names?

[name]Happy[/name] holidays!

I absolutely love the name [name]Henry[/name], and personally view it as a timeless classic. :slight_smile:

I think it’s wonderful!

Best wishes to you!


Thank you, we live in [name]California[/name]'s “[name]Gold[/name] Country” in a smallish town called Grass [name]Valley[/name]. This is kind of a crunchy area, with a big green movement, lots of attachment parenting groups, liberal thought mixed in with more than a few cowboys and older folks who are kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum. I’d say it’s a diverse community, but probably leaning more towards the hippyish.[/quote]

[name]Henry[/name] would be a great choice in Grass [name]Valley[/name]. I am from Southern [name]CA[/name], and am familiar with your area. [name]Henry[/name] is a classic name and not so popular on the [name]West[/name] Coast as it is on the [name]East[/name] Coast. Because your area is on the enlightened side, the name [name]Henry[/name] would be tolerated. Because your area is kind of rural, [name]Henry[/name] wouldn’t be too popular. Perfect!

[name]LOVE[/name] it! I live in the midwest and it’s hugely POPULAR! Lots and Lots of toddlers here with the name [name]Henry[/name]! It’s on my long list for a boy and I would use it in a heatbeat, but my hubby keeps saying it’s an old man’s name. Pffft!

[name]Henry[/name] is absolutely wonderful! It’s my top choice for a boy (whenever I have one!). I live in [name]Phoenix[/name], and have yet to meet a [name]Henry[/name]. It is adorable on a toddler and ages so well…In my opinion, few names are better!

Good luck and happy holidays! =)

Thank you everyone for your input! The only other reservation I would have is that none of our other children have particularly “classic” names. We have a [name]Dylan[/name], which is quite a popular name although it does have older origins, and our daughters are [name]Hailey[/name] and [name]Natalie[/name]. [name]Hailey[/name] is probably the more trendy of the names (I think it’s only been around for a couple of decades) and [name]Natalie[/name] is at least a bit more classic. So will a [name]Henry[/name] seem out of place among all those trendier names? I was hoping it was retro enough that it’s maybe come around full circle to being kind of trendy (if that makes any sense, haha).

Thank you again!


I love the name [name]Henry[/name]. classic but not too popular.



[name]Henry[/name] is coming back into popularity. I was thinking of it for my son, but my last name ends in a Y sound, so it was too “rhyme-y”. I love it and I think it’s classic yet there won’t be a bunch of them.

I have a [name]Henry[/name], and probably could count 10 [name]Henry[/name]'s under 10 – its anything from stuffy where I am, and almost trendy. I wish it were a little less popular here, but it is a great name, and I’m not sorry I chose it!