First, let me introduce myself quickly, since this is my first post here: I am the Mad Hatter, a twenty-year old girl, and I’m here with a situation somewhat different than the one of most of you.
The thing is, I’m not pregnant, I’m not adopting a child or anything along those lines. I need a new name for myself.
Let me explain: Twenty years ago, my mom and my dad, two Germans, very nice people and awesome parents, but somewhat strange people (not that I’m complaining, I’m a strange person too lol) decided to name their daughter a name that is definitely not detestable, but still somewhat questionable.
The past twenty years, I endured a lot of awkward nicknaming (like: “Hm, if we take the second syllable and add an ‘R’ in front of it and change the last letter and stress it in this particular way, it ALMOST sounds nice!”) and “how do you spell that?” and “is that your nickname or your full name?”, and frankly, I have grown tired of this nonsense. My name is weird, and it’s not even the good kind of weird, it’s just plain strange, in my opinion. Also, it sounds incredibly girly and soft, and I am a lot of things, but girly and soft are not in the repertoire. Feminine, yes. But not girly.
Now, in two months, I’m finally going to move out of Germany : I’m going to study medicine in [name_f]Ireland[/name_f]. (Yeah! So happy!)
I now want to seize the opportunity and change my name. The name is going to be even weirder in [name_f]Ireland[/name_f], and I have had enough. I still want to keep it, but only as a middle name where it won’t be too important. As my first name, I’d like something simple, quite short (but longer is okay too), somewhat quirky and fresh, but still not so unusual that I just have the same problem again.
I have put some thought in it and came up with some names.
[name_f]Kate[/name_f]/[name_f]Catherine[/name_f]: Nice, classic. Also, [name_f]Catherine[/name_f] is the middle name of my mother, so I’d have some connection.
[name_u]Abby[/name_u]: I love that it sounds somewhat fresh!
[name_f]Diane[/name_f]: I like it, but I’m worried about it being shortened to ‘[name_f]Di[/name_f]’, which I don’t like.
[name_f]Anne[/name_f]: Nice, classic, but maybe somewhat boring?
[name_f]Megan[/name_f]: I like it. That’s why it is in this list.
[name_u]Robin[/name_u]: Same reasons as [name_f]Megan[/name_f]-I simply like it.
Well, that’s my list so far. I like all of the names (obviously), but maybe you could give me some of your opinions about them, and maybe also suggest some more? I have gone trough some lists, but maybe you have ideas fore some names that sound a little fresher: Most of the ones I already thought of are very classic (and undoubtly beautiful!), but maybe you know some that are a little quirky and fresh, but still not strange or totally unusual?
Thanks you all for your help!
Have a nice day,
Mad Hatter