Thoughts and suggestions

What do you think of the name [name]Lumina[/name]? I really like the way it sounds and that it’s a latin word meaning brilliant light. The meaning of names is very important to me and I also like names that are uncommon. My hubby also likes this name, my family really dislikes it though and has turned me of a bit with some negative associations even though I do love the name. I was wondering if you had any other name suggestions of very uncommon names with nice meanings?

[name]How[/name] about [name]Luna[/name], or [name]Mina[/name] (me-nuh) instead?

I think [name]Lumina[/name] is sweet.

[name]Love[/name] the meaning, not fond of the name itself. It just doesn’t do anything for me, personally.

My first thought is of a car - my mom used to have a [name]Chevy[/name] [name]Lumina[/name] - and so I can’t really take it seriously as a name, sorry.

Other names meaning “light” or “bright”:

[name]Helen[/name] and all its variations ([name]Elena[/name], [name]Lenore[/name], etc.)
[name]Lucy[/name] and all its variations ([name]Lucia[/name], [name]Luciana[/name], etc.)

I’m not a fan of the name either, sorry, I like the suggestion of [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Lucia[/name], and [name]Luciana[/name].