I am seriously considering doing a double mn now with my baby girl (due this month) so I can use both my maiden name and honor my maternal grandmother. I have a lot of questions though.
*Has anyone ever had a hospital hassle them about doing a double mn on the birth certificate, or is it common enough that no one will bat an eye? (If it matters to you, I am in Arkansas.)
*What do you put when filling out info forms about your child, like for school/medical info? [name]Do[/name] you pick one middle or put both if there’s room?
*Anything else you feel is pertinent for me to know before/about doing a double mn??
My other question is about hyphenated fns. First let me say, I am NOT doing a hyphenated fn AND a double mn; it will be one or the other. I’ve had a couple berries tell me their DDs have a hyphenated fn and it’s not been a problem. So let me know if you have experiences with this too. Here are my questions:
*I’ve read that unless you “smoosh” the name together, the part after the hyphen isn’t even “really” there (like [name]Anna[/name]-[name]Maria[/name] vs. [name]Annamaria[/name]). What are your thoughts on this? The name I want to use looks much better hyphenated than smooshed in my opinion ([name]Anna[/name]-[name]Frances[/name], if you’re wondering), so I need to know if the 2nd name will even be officially there.
*Does it drive you crazy having to spell the name for people or having to say “[name]Anna[/name]-hyphen-[name]Maria[/name]”? Does it drive your child crazy?
*Anything else you want to tell me about hyphenated fns??
Many thanks as I near the end of this naming journey! You all have already helped me so much!!