Thoughts? favorite spelling? Favorite of these 2?

[name_m]Just[/name_m] curious on these names.

Which spelling for each would you choose and which is your favorite out of these?



[name_f]Do[/name_f] you like the nn [name_u]Sky[/name_u] for a girl? I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] [name_u]SKYLAR[/name_u] for a BOY ONLY and [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] the nn [name_u]Sky[/name_u] for a boy but IDK about the nn [name_u]Sky[/name_u] for a girl for either Skyley/Skyly/etc or [name_f]Skylynn[/name_f]/[name_f]Skylyn[/name_f]/[name_f]Skylin[/name_f].


I love the nn [name_u]Sky[/name_u] for a girl, I love [name_u]Skye[/name_u] also. I personally would eliminate Skyly and [name_f]Skylyn[/name_f], I think the lack of vowels makes them look strange.

I prefer just [name_u]Skye[/name_u] actually. Of your spellings, I would go with [name_f]Skylee[/name_f] or [name_f]Skylin[/name_f]. The others look odd and confusing with multiple y’s.

I agree, just [name_u]Skye[/name_u]. I highly dislike the rest.

I prefer [name_u]Skye[/name_u] or [name_f]Skyla[/name_f] to be honest. Of your spellings I’d pick Skyleigh and [name_f]Skylynn[/name_f], but I know a girl who is named [name_u]Skye[/name_u]-[name_u]Lee[/name_u].

I like [name_u]Skye[/name_u] the most

I agree with this 100 percent.

I love [name_u]Sky[/name_u] as a nn, and my baby girl name is Skylan. I originally liked [name_f]Skylin[/name_f], but I don’t like the name [name_u]Lynn[/name_u], and I didn’t want it to sound like it was [name_u]Sky[/name_u] and [name_u]Lynn[/name_u] together. :blush: