thoughts on alliteration?

Our favourite name is [name_m]Weston[/name_m] and we love the short form [name_m]Wes[/name_m] but our last name is Wiersma (Pronounced weer-smah). Thoughts on [name_m]Weston[/name_m] Wiersma?

Only in my honest opinion - I wouldn’t put those two together. To me, it sounds like slurred sentance in which somone is asking, “[name_m]Weston[/name_m], Where’s My…” but doesn’t finish. Using the NN [name_m]Wes[/name_m] helps this situation a bit, but I’d use it as a MN rather than a FN.

Thank you for your feedback! I’m leaning the same way!

Aw. I have the same problem! It’s a no. :frowning:

I don’t really see it as a problem. I know a [name_m]Wes[/name_m] with a W last name and no one gives it a second thought. The “where’s my…” comment I think can be made about any name you choose.

My brother has an alliterated name and he’s fine. Nobody ever forgets his name. Weston is a great choice btw :slight_smile: