Thoughts on Aluna

Hey Berries!

What are your thoughts on the name Aluna, and how would you pronounce it (a-loo-na or al-uh-na etc). Has anybody heard of the name or know of any origins? What names do you think could be paired with it (MN)?

I really like it-all thoughts are welcome!!

It sounds made up, but that’s probably just because I haven’t heard of it. To me it just sounds like you are saying A [name]Luna[/name] really quickly. I personally prefer [name]Luna[/name].

My [name]Brita[/name] water filter is called Aluna!

And I googled it: Aluna is a name from [name]Kenya[/name], pronounced ah-LOO-nah. It’s also a cattery in Prague and a documentary and “the world’s first tidal powered moon clock”.

My initial reaction is “[name]Ah[/name]-loon-ah”. Which just makes me want to say “tick” :frowning:

I know of an Aluna! I read her name in a local newspaper, she does a column now and then. I remember her name stuck out because I love the name [name]Luna[/name] and was surprised to see the letter A in front of it.

I remember I read the book called Above World a few years back…the main protagonist is named Aluna. Apparently, it is of Hawaiian origin and means ‘descent’.

I “know” one Aluna. She goes by her middle name most of the time and sometimes [name_f]Luna[/name_f]. I strongly prefer [name_f]Luna[/name_f] on its own (biased, obviously).

Aluna is a word for student. Aluna comes from the Latin “To illuminate”, which translates to give knowledge. However, the “A” in the beginning makes the word a negation… Person without any knowledge, ignorant.

Nowadays, many less conservative and hierarchical professors and teachers refuse to use it, because of the meaning. Students do have knowledge and there’s also a lot we can learn from them.

In this case, I would stick with just [name_f]Luna[/name_f], which is very beautiful in it’s own right (and refers to simply the [name_f]Moon[/name_f]).

I thought it was Alumna.

I would prefer [name_f]Luna[/name_f] over Aluna. Although, to be honest, the first thing that came to mind was the nickname Looney.