Thoughts on Audrey

What do you think?


It’s a timeless classic. I love it. I would be more likely to use it as a MN, but I love seeing it just about anywhere. :slight_smile:

Gorgeous name, been on my list forever. [name]Love[/name] it.

it’s my favorite… it’s my first daughter’s name!

[name]LOVE[/name] this name! It’s classic, beautiful, yet not overly cutesy/girly. Checks all of my boxes! The only issue I’m having with using it in the future is how popular it’s gotten… it’s even more popular in my state than in the US, and I could definitely see it becoming top 10. I just have to decide if I love the name enough to overcome that!

It’s the type of name that I wouldn’t pick for my own daughter but love to hear on others.

[name]Love[/name] it, it’s my DD2’s name. It is fairly uncommon where I live despite being popular elsewhere. It’s timeless.

[name]Love[/name] it! I think it has such a class and elegance about it :smiley:

I love it and always have. I’ve only ever known 1 in my 26 years too… I saw the spelling [name]Audrie[/name] once, and I normally hate creative spellings, but I thought it was cute. I’d go with the original though because I can’t stand the thought of always correcting people’s spellings. I also know an [name]Audra[/name], which is cute. Good luck!

I’ve never liked that Au sound…[name]Audrey[/name] is a solid classic though and with some great namesakes too!

I love [name]Audrey[/name]. I once worked with an older lady named [name]Audrey[/name]. It’s on my list, but my husband has a cousin named [name]Aubrie[/name] & it would be a pain at family gatherings.

[name]Lovely[/name] name. Timeless.

I love it!

My name is [name]Audrey[/name]! I love my name. I’ve never had any bad feedback or negative nicknames or teasing from it either. And I very rarely ever meet another [name]Audrey[/name]. My family occasionally calls me [name]Audie[/name]/[name]Audi[/name], but I like that too. You can’t go wrong! :slight_smile:

[name]Love[/name] love love it! Classic. [name]Lovely[/name]. Not trendy.