Thoughts on Beulah?

Is [name_f]Beulah[/name_f] ready for a comeback or is she still too old? The name [name_f]Beulah[/name_f] reminds of the word beautiful so its been in the back of my mind as a potential addition to my long list.

Still too old.

I’ve never really considered [name_f]Beulah[/name_f] but it doesn’t have a bad sound. It sounds a lot like [name_f]Bella[/name_f] to me, which is super popular. While some might consider it “too old”, someone has to be the first to bring it back into use. So I say use it or at least add it to your middle names list.

I have no idea how to pronouce but a bit put off by the visual associations with words like Belch, Blah and temptations to pronounce it as Boola…

how do you pronounce the name?

I think it has potential. I’m not sure what it sounds like when it isn’t being pronounced with a deep Southern drawl though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I pronounce it b-yew-la … Like the beginning of BEAUtiful then LA

I love it! Unfortunately, I think it might be still too old for most people. But I’m with you, I like the Beu part that sounds like beautiful and the la ending. The sounds are very on trend. I think it has a very southern old lady feel. I happen to like that, but I think it turns some people off.

I hadn’t heard it before, but I like the sound (and I got the pronunciation right, which makes a change!) - it doesn’t sound ‘old’ to me, but that’s because I have no previous associations with it. I’m liking it more and more, actually!

I think it needs some more time. :wink: