Thoughts on the boy name [name_m]Zayne[/name_m]? (yes, that spelling. please don’t say you prefer some other spelling.) [name_m]Will[/name_m] it age well? What do you think of when you hear it? etc.
I love [name_m]Zayne[/name_m]! I think it’s very cool and unique, and I like the sound of it a lot.
[name_m]Zayne[/name_m] (any spelling) always reminds me of [name_m]Zayn[/name_m] [name_m]Malik[/name_m]! I think it will age well, he seems to wear it well!
[name_m]Zayne[/name_m] is so cool! It would definitely age well imo!
Zayne is a cool, charming, handsome and strong name! I believe it ages well.
I think it’s great and yes, I can see it ageing well.
I hate to disagree with everyone but… I don’t really like it. [name_m]Zayne[/name_m], even this spelling, reminds me too much of One Direction, it seems like a uber ‘cool’ name, like what you would choose for a stereotypical big man on campus type character, it seems like its trying too hard. I feel like it lacks the substance and classic charm I prefer in names like [name_m]Alexander[/name_m] and [name_m]Theodore[/name_m]. That said, I am clearly in the minority here and I do feel like you should use names regardless of opinions from the peanut gallery.