Thoughts on Clayton?

Our first son is Lincoln Brooks and we absolutely love his name! It was so easy to name him because we immediately agreed on it too.

Now we are having a second boy and oh man… it is so challenging to find a second boy name that we love as much as Lincoln and makes sense, flows well, and that my husband and I both like.

We thought we had settled on Davis Gray, but we knew there was a civil war connotation in having a Lincoln AND a Davis. We debated for weeks and polled several people and nobody even knew who Jefferson Davis was. Until we shared the name with DH’s family and they had a horrible reaction. We still love the name, but that context with Lincoln was our biggest fear with the name… and it came true. It’s not just a matter of them not liking the name.

So we are back to the drawing board and it has been difficult. However, my husband recently mentioned Clayton. I immediately said no, but it stuck with me and I think I kind of love it. I had never given it a single thought before. It sounds nice as a brother to Lincoln and flows well with our last name. Clayton Charles is standing out to me as a great combo. Charles happens to be a generational family name on my side but I wasn’t set on using it at all. We have TONS of them!

I see hardly any mention of the name Clayton out there. What image does it invoke for you? Do you think it’s strong enough to be a brother to Lincoln?

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I do like the name [name_u]Clayton[/name_u]. It’s strong and not commonly used, from what I’ve observed. Plus, there’s the nn [name_m]Clay[/name_m], which I think is adorable (the Wings Of [name_u]Fire[/name_u] character [name_m]Clay[/name_m] is a great role model, too). I do feel that you should be warned that the villain in Disney’s [name_m]Tarzan[/name_m] is named [name_u]Clayton[/name_u]. But, I don’t think that will be too much of a problem. [name_u]Love[/name_u] the combo [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] [name_u]Charles[/name_u] and I believe it is a great name to go with [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u] [name_u]Brooks[/name_u]. Actually, I keep saying them together in my head and I just keep getting fonder of the pair.

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I think [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] is lovely! It’s not overly popular, it feels familiar and matches really nicely with [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u]!

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I absolutely love and adore Clayton!! I think it such a handsome, timeless and underused name. It is in my top 5 :two_hearts: I think [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] deserves soo much more attention and love! Despite it having history and being around for decades, it feels fresh and that it could fit in with any type of style. I love the nickname [name_m]Clay[/name_m] too. I think it is perfect. I don’t have [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u] on my list, but [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] pairs beautifully alongside :two_hearts:

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[name_u]Clayton[/name_u] is a wonderful name! I love it even more with [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] [name_u]Charles[/name_u] as the full name! The double C and the family name have me sold! And I love [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] even more with big brother [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u], they make a great pair of brothers!

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[name_u]Clayton[/name_u] gives me cool, laidback vibes, slightly preppy, slightly sporty - it has an established feel but also contemporary.

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Well I love this! That’s exactly how I would like to describe my ideal boy name so it seems this is a solid choice!

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I like [name_u]Clayton[/name_u]! Cute for a baby and works for an adult too. I think of [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] Kershaw. [name_u]Davis[/name_u] is nice too but I get the [name_m]Jefferson[/name_m] [name_u]Davis[/name_u] thing since Im from [name_f]Alabama[/name_f] hah!

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I like [name_u]Clayton[/name_u]!
It is common but not over used. It pairs well with [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u] and the double CC’s, love that!
I know a young [name_u]Clayton[/name_u], he is roughly kindergarten age. The younger brother and he only goes by [name_u]Clayton[/name_u], like his mom makes it a point to say Clay-ton! That’s always stood out to me.

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I like [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] and I think it sounds perfect for your son :slight_smile:

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This name was just on my mind before checking NB today. Great name

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[name_f]My[/name_f] uncle’s name is [name_u]Clayton[/name_u], though he almost exclusively goes by [name_m]Clay[/name_m]. [name_f]My[/name_f] dad’s lifelong/childhood friend is a [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] who goes by [name_u]Clayton[/name_u]. They’re both 70-ish men from [name_f]Georgia[/name_f], so it gives me a bit of an old [name_u]Southern[/name_u] man vibe, but I think it would be very usable on a new baby as well. I think it’s a very handsome name, it seems wearable both with a nickname and on its own in my personal experience. It goes beautifully with [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u] and [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] [name_u]Charles[/name_u] is lovely.

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I know brothers named [name_u]Clayton[/name_u] (older bro) & [name_u]Lincoln[/name_u] so it works perfectly to me!

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