My latest girl crush is [name_f]Esme[/name_f]. Is it too Twilight (I’ve never read the books or watched the movies) or is it a cute, unique name? I’d probably have [name_f]Maja[/name_f] as her Serbian nickname.
One of my very favorites Short and sweet and so pretty. Twilight in my opinion is not an enduring cultural reference and [name_f]Esme[/name_f] wasn’t really a major character. Nothing like, say, [name_f]Hermione[/name_f] from [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. [name_f]Esme[/name_f] is just a mostly undiscovered little gem with a lovely meaning. I think it’s thoroughly cute and unique.
I do think of Twilight, but the real name was Renesme so I think your safe with just [name_f]Esme[/name_f]. I also do agree that she wasn’t a big part of it till the end of the series. I also think its really cute.
[name_f]Esme[/name_f] is my favorite girl name atm. The twilight connection does bother me, and when I said I was considering it we learned this baby was a boy, EVERYONE said something about twilight. Ugh.
[name_f]Esme[/name_f] was the very first name I fell in love with (and Twilight wasn’t even out yet!). Personally, I don’t think of Twilight at all when I think of [name_f]Esme[/name_f]- there are so many better connotations. I have never had any interest in Twilight and its popularity is already dwindling, so by the time an [name_f]Esme[/name_f] born tomorrow grows up, Twilight will be an old relic that’ll never get the privilege of a revival. I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
I love [name_f]Esme[/name_f]-- it’s elegant, not too frilly, and has a lovely meaning. I wouldn’t assume that using it has anything to do with Twilight at all.
I love [name_f]Esme[/name_f]. The Twilight doesn’t bother me. For one Twilight is not that popular anymore. For two, even though people make that connection, [name_f]Esme[/name_f] [name_m]Cullen[/name_m] is actually a nice character anyway.
I like [name_f]Esme[/name_f] a lot. I first heard [name_f]Esmie[/name_f] as a nn for [name_f]Esmerelda[/name_f] in a book and then [name_f]Esme[/name_f] popped up in Twilight too. To be honest, Twilight is irrelevant now and will continue to lose relevance as any little [name_f]Esme[/name_f]'s grow older. My SO loves [name_f]Esme[/name_f] but I’m not sure if I’d actually use it.
Basically, its a lovely sweet name and isn’t too Twilighty!
I like [name_f]Esme[/name_f] (though I slightly prefer the Esmée spelling). It’s a simple and elegant name. I wouldn’t worry about the Twilight connection. The character is only a minor one, and Twilight isn’t nearly as popular as it once was anyway.
My husband and I have two little boys, but if we have a daughter in the future, [name_f]Esme[/name_f] is going to be her name.
I wouldn’t worry about Twilight; It’s also a JD [name_m]Salinger[/name_m] name too.
[name_u]Love[/name_u] Esmé. I think it’s elegant and lovely.
I read in of your posts that you love [name_f]Sienna[/name_f]. Maybe [name_f]Sienna[/name_f] [name_f]Esme[/name_f] to satisfy both of you?
I love [name_f]Esme[/name_f]! In Twilight she wasn’t a main character and the Twilight fan-fare has already died [name_m]WAY[/name_m] down. I doubt people will still make the connection in 5 years. I would use it!