Thoughts on final name.

[name]Just[/name] wanted to hear thoughts on the flow of the name, [name]Silas[/name] Atreya. [name]Silas[/name] is a name I love and Atreya is from my husband. Does it flow nicely?

It doesn’t flow badly, but I don’t love it. It sort of slides together, at least the way I say it. It almost sounds like the name of a dinosaur, or the Latin word for something. I’m also not sure about gender. I’d guess female because of the middle name ending in -a, but it could be either imo.

I like [name]Silas[/name]. [name]Silas[/name] Atreya is very original. If Atreya wasn’t in honor of your husband I wouldn’t like it, but with that association I think it’s great. Flows well to me :slight_smile:

It’s not bad, but I’m not sure the flow is perfect. Would you consider a second middle name to help it flow? Something like [name]Silas[/name] [name]John[/name] Atreya? [name]Just[/name] something small and one syllable to keep the two names from getting lost in each other. I agree that [name]Silas[/name] is lovely and it’s really nice to honour your husband.

I love [name]Silas[/name] but not the whole combo.

I think [name]Silas[/name] Atreya is just fine!