I’ve never been a fan of [name_m]Kory[/name_m] for a boy. However, it occurs to me that it sounds too feminine and so I wondered about [name_m]Kory[/name_m] for a girl. I actually like it. What do you think about the name for a girl? What spelling (I know there is many)?
I’m not really a huge fan, mostly because I knew so many people with the name when I was growing up, so when I think of it, I don’t picture a baby, I picture a 20- to 30-year-old.
As far as spelling, both of the girls I knew growing up with the name spelled it [name_f]Cori[/name_f]. I think [name_f]Cori[/name_f] might be okay as a nickname for something longer like [name_f]Coral[/name_f], [name_f]Coralie[/name_f], [name_f]Coraline[/name_f] or [name_f]Corisande[/name_f].
[name_u]Cory[/name_u] is how I spell it, and what I am used to seeing since my cousin is named [name_u]Cory[/name_u].
I don’t like it on a boy either, but I also have never been a fan of it on a girl.
I like [name_u]Cody[/name_u] on a girl though…I prefer [name_m]Codie[/name_m], [name_m]Codi[/name_m], or just the y ending. Kodi is cute too.
If you would use [name_m]Kory[/name_m] as a name, I prefer the spelling [name_u]Cory[/name_u].
If you wish to use [name_u]Cory[/name_u] as a nickname, maybe you’d like [name_f]Coralie[/name_f], [name_f]Coralyn[/name_f], [name_f]Cora[/name_f], [name_f]Coral[/name_f], or [name_f]Corinne[/name_f].
I like [name_f]Coriana[/name_f] ([name_u]Cory[/name_u]…awna) but not sure if it is a “real” name.
It’s an ok-name but for me it would be too boring to be honest. I would probably use [name_u]Cory[/name_u] as a nn for one of the names mentioned above.
I like the spelling [name_f]Cori[/name_f], it gives it a more feminine feel. [name_u]Cody[/name_u] is a nice alternative too. I wouldn’t be weirded out by this name on a girl.
[name_u]Corey[/name_u] is the original spelling.
I think I actually prefer it to [name_f]Cora[/name_f], which I’ve never loved.
I also like [name_u]Rory[/name_u] for a girl (secretly).