cant decide
I like [name]Asa[/name]. There should be more boys with softer names.
I like [name]Mattias[/name], though I prefer the spelling of [name]Matthias[/name] (both can be pronounced as ma-TEE-ahs).
I like both but much prefer [name]Asa[/name]. I have trouble with names like [name]Mattias[/name], where my brain can never nail down how to pronounce it (if that makes any sense whatsoever). Also, people will probably shorten to [name]Matt[/name], which is a shame with such a beautiful name. I really like [name]Matteo[/name] as it’s easy to shorten to [name]Teo[/name] as an alternative.
I like [name]Asa[/name], I think it always works wonderfully when paired with a strong sounding middle, and [name]Mattias[/name] seems like it would cause some pronunciation issues.
[name]Mattias[/name] is really growing on me. I have no idea how to pronounce [name]Asa[/name]!
In the U.S. it would be something like “ace-uh” although the “s” is more connected to the second syllable for me.
I think both names are strong and make a statement, but I prefer [name]Asa[/name]. I’m a little tired of [name]Matt[/name] as a nn, and I think [name]Ace[/name] would be cool.
I love [name]Asa[/name], and the nickname [name]Ace[/name]. It’s been a favorite of mine for many years. It doesn’t work with our last name though, which starts with an S. Too many S’s…
Thanks all for comments - still split 50/50, Surname is [name]Wolf[/name] and think both sound really good
I prefer [name]Mattias[/name] over [name]Asa[/name], especially with the last name [name]Wolf[/name]. When I say “[name]Asa[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]” it kind of blends together for me… I hear “is a wolf” sort of. [name]Mattias[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] sounds super cool! I know a [name]Mattias[/name] and his name never gets shortened to [name]Matt[/name].
[name]Asa[/name] is a cool, old-world choice, but these days I think I’d worry people would find it feminine. [name]Mattias[/name] I’m am very biased towards, since DH and I recently put it at the top of our list as it has strong family significance, except ours is spelled [name]Mathias[/name]. We will pronounce it “mah-[name]TY[/name]-us,” which gives the nn of [name]Ty[/name] or Tias, since we’re not at all fond of “[name]Matt[/name].”
I like how sweet and simple [name]Asa[/name] is and you never come across many boy’s names like that.
[name]Mattias[/name] is alright but I do prefer [name]Matteo[/name].
I think [name]Mattias[/name] is a solid choice, feels classic but not overdone through the ages like [name]Matthew[/name]. [name]Asa[/name] on the other hand is a name I really don’t like for a boy. I know it’s considered a unisex name, but it feels much much more like a girl’s name to my ear. There are a lot of ‘softer’ male names I like, but this one just feels female (a famous female porn star has this name too).
[name]Asa[/name] for me is a little soft. But I’m of the opinon a boy should have a strong name. But hey, everyone is different.
I like [name]Matthias[/name] a little over [name]Mattias[/name]. Cool surname. [name]Matthias[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] sounds great to me. Good luck.
SOOOOOO undecided at the mo :O(
want a cool but not popular name
Many commenters noted that [name]Asa[/name] sounds soft - I think with a last name like [name]Wolf[/name] the combination will still sound very strong. Though I would be worried about [name]Asa[/name] [name]Wolf[/name] blending together - “is a wolf.”
Not fond of [name]Mattias[/name], but I think [name]Asa[/name] is pretty cool.
Not to fond of [name]Asa[/name] - “is a wolf” could just embarrass the poor boy! I like [name]Mattias[/name], it’s different and sounds good. [name]Matteo[/name] is also a nice name but perhaps more overused. [name]One[/name] of my boys is called [name]Matvei[/name], which could be an option? It’s not for everyone but it has the same start and you certainly don’t hear it every day! The ‘mat’ choices give a strong-sounding and masculine name which sounds nice. Good luck!