[name]Do[/name] you like these names for an ACTUAL baby? My tastes have changed recently and I am playing around with some names that I might use on my third daughter if I have on (not pregnant yet)…[name]Just[/name] let me know if you think they are useable on an actual baby, little girl, and adult woman. Thanks
[name]Vanna[/name] (possible middle names are [name]Noelle[/name] and [name]Esme[/name]) The thing with this name is, my oldest daughter’s name already starts with a V and I was wondering if it was that big of a deal to have another Va… girl.
[name]Marya[/name] (pronounced like [name]MAR[/name] yuh) middle name would probably be [name]Noelle[/name]
[name]Noelle[/name] as a first name
[name]Gael[/name] as a first name ( I know this is a boy spelling but I’m pretty sure its not going to be used by any boys in the near future in the US and I love this spelling)
[name]Connolly[/name], [name]Corrine[/name], or [name]Constance[/name] with the nickname [name]Connie[/name]
[name]Mara[/name] (MARR-uh)
[name]Helen[/name]/[name]Helaine[/name]/Helaina nickname [name]Hallie[/name] (my grandmother’s name is [name]Helen[/name] nickname [name]Hallie[/name])
My husband really likes Sophina but I think it is too close to [name]Sophia[/name]/[name]Sophie[/name]
I know this is a girls section of the forum but if you have some thoughts on my boys names it would also be appreciated. Lately I am really liking the -ius/-as sound on the end.
[name]Thomas[/name] (I know it is popular)
[name]Aloysius[/name] ([name]AL[/name]-oh-wish-iss)
[name]Roger[/name] nn [name]Dodge[/name]
[name]Carl[/name] (don’t laugh! I have always loved this name despite the general hate most people have for it.)
Kaius ([name]KY[/name]-iss)
Phileas nn [name]Phil[/name] (I think this is super cute…I know most people probably won’t.)
And I have always loved [name]Alexander[/name], [name]Jude[/name], [name]Seth[/name]…but they are losing their luster for me. Thanks