[name]Beatrice[/name]–while I love the nn [name]Bea[/name], [name]Beatrice[/name] has never appealed to me. I don’t know why, but the images that come to mind aren’t very nice. Ironically, I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name], and I’ve considered it for several combos, and [name]Beatrix[/name] is on my list as a MN for at least one name.
[name]Iris[/name]–love. I love that it reminds me of irises, which are such beautiful flowers. It’s so strong and spunky, but still oh-so-girly.
[name]Genevieve[/name]–I adore [name]Genevieve[/name]. I would probably have it farther up on my list if I could imagine myself using it. But really, I can’t, and it’s in my sister’s top 2, so I don’t really try. I love the nns [name]Ginny[/name], [name]Gen[/name], and [name]Evie[/name], though. [name]Ginny[/name] was my great aunt’s nn ([name]Virginia[/name]), and she passed away several years ago, so I like that it reminds me of her. [name]Ginny[/name] is really cute!
[name]Tallulah[/name]–[name]LOVE[/name]! My sister is [name]Natalie[/name], and I mainly call her [name]Tallie[/name], but sometimes I call her [name]Tallulah[/name], too. I think it’s so cool, and I love the nns [name]Tallie[/name] and [name]Lulu[/name].
[name]Prudence[/name]–Not a huge fan, especially since it has the words “rude” and “prude” right in it. Depending on who you speak to, that could be a negative thing. I do like [name]Pru[/name] as a nn, but I prefer the French [name]Prune[/name], nn [name]Pru[/name], personally.
[name]Violet[/name]–adore. It’s on my top five.
I love the nn [name]Lettie[/name].
[name]Tuesday[/name]–it’s a bit too out-there for me. I like other time names better, like [name]Sunday[/name], [name]Wednesday[/name] (not really a huge fan, but I think [name]Wednesday[/name], nn [name]Winnie[/name], is cool), [name]June[/name], [name]April[/name], [name]Mae[/name], [name]August[/name] (well, for a boy), [name]Winter[/name], [name]Summer[/name], etc.
[name]Clara[/name]–[name]LOVE[/name]. It’s been growing on me a lot in the past few months. I think it’s so beautiful. I’m thinking about using it as a MN, but I would be open to using it as a FN, too.
[name]Marigold[/name]–not a fan, at all. I never have been, and I can’t really figure out why. It just doesn’t seem that usable to me, but I’m more a fan of mainstream names. I do love the nn [name]Mari[/name] (MAH-ree), though.
[name]Arabella[/name]–love. I think the nns [name]Bella[/name] and [name]Ari[/name] are too cute, not to mention [name]Ella[/name]. It seems to be everywhere, though, now that the Trumps used it.
[name]Arabella[/name], [name]Clara[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Violet[/name], and [name]Tallulah[/name] are my favorites.
Good luck!