What are your thoughts on naming someone after your favorite book or tv characters? Is it weird to really like a fictional character’s name and want to use it?
If you like it and it means something to you then do it! I know a lot of people that have done that, and I see nothing wrong with it at all. [name_f]My[/name_f] own daughter has the middle name of [name_f]Gillian[/name_f], because [name_u]Dana[/name_u] [name_m]Scully[/name_m] (X-Files) is our favorite TV character – we don’t like the name [name_u]Dana[/name_u], so we went with the actress’ name. I know a [name_u]Darcy[/name_u] from P&P and several Laura’s from the [name_m]Little[/name_m] House series. If you love it, do it!
Oh, I think it’s fabulous. To me, an honor name has to be really really meaningful. For example: I wouldn’t name my child after whatever TV series I’m into at just one moment, because I go from one favorite to another every few years or months. But, I would name them after a character from a novel or film that has stuck with me all my life or had a really profound, joyous impact on me!
In short, I think honor names are wonderful. Honoring characters (especially in literature, to me personally) is so special. I think it’s great.
To me it depends entirely on the name. If it’s something like [name_m]Sherlock[/name_m] or [name_m]Gandalf[/name_m], then I’d say that perhaps it’s not a good idea to use a name that’s so firmly associated with one fictional character in particular. If it’s a more ordinary or generic name then I think it’s fine.
Personally, I am always very hesitant to do so, especially if the creator of a work is still alive, the work has any chance of becoming seen as problematic, or the work is a series that isn’t entirely completed. There’s just too much risk involved for me that what I might think is a good association might sour. It’s true for all honor names, but I feel like fictional character ones carry an extra level of risk.
That said, naming someone, say, Harry for the Harry Potter books (where people aren’t likely going to make an immediate association without prompting/context) is much different than naming someone, say, Frodo for Lord of the Rings (where it seems near-inevitable that people will).
I don’t think it’s “weird” at all. Storytelling (in any of many forms) is a big part of most people’s lives, and it’s natural to feel connected to your favorite characters/series/stories and even want to honor them in some way.
Long story short, although I’m personally very cautious about the idea, I don’t think it’s weird and I don’t think that it’s a thing that shouldn’t be done. Just something to be done with thought and care.
I love all of your responses thank you guys for your inputs!
Of course! I understand what you mean. And the names I do like are names that 99% of people will probably never make the connection to. If anything they’ll think it’s a cool coincidence lol.
I think it’s great! Lots of the names on my list are for characters. If a character makes an impact on your life, it’s nice to honour that.
That being said, it might not be the best idea to name your child something with a very obvious association that could lead to teasing or one to a obvious villain character, like Chewbacca or [name_m]Fenrir[/name_m]. Something like [name_f]Diana[/name_f] or [name_u]Anne[/name_u] after [name_u]Green[/name_u] Gables or even like [name_m]Remus[/name_m] for [name_u]Harry[/name_u] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] is nice.
I think it is just as valid as naming a baby after a grandparent or birth flower
There could be some tease factor if the name happens to be both super unusual and super tied to the character. As much as I like names such as [name_f]Hermione[/name_f], I don’t know if my child would like being so connected to a franchise.
I also would never name my child after an incomplete series, so to speak, or one with sort of seedy characters. For instance, I had a couple sets of friends name their kids after Game of Thrones characters who ended up doing awful things and they regretted using the names. I don’t watch the show so I don’t know much beyond that.
I don’t think it’s weird. I tend to muse on fictional character’s names for longer than others to see if I really genuinely like the name beyond the association, and if I do then it stays! Several of my faves come from fictional characters