Thoughts on our current top 5

My fiancé and I have been playing with our top 5 and have made some changes. We were interested in getting some thoughts on our list! (We’re not concerned about names that sound similar or are too close since the odds of us having 5 daughters are basically nonexistent :D)

[name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Eila[/name_f], nn [name_f]Mae[/name_f] or [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] ([name_f]Eila[/name_f] is pronounced AY-la)
[name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f]
[name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]
[name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f]
[name_f]Camilla[/name_f] [name_f]Diane[/name_f], nn [name_f]Mila[/name_f] or [name_f]Millie[/name_f] (this is the newbie to our list)

My favourite combo would be [name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f]. I love both names and think they look really nice together and sound good as well!

I also love [name_f]Jane[/name_f], but am not a huge fan of [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]. That said, the name works well enough, so it’s just personal taste with [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]. I would prefer [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Diana[/name_f] or [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Elodie[/name_f].

[name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f] is very pretty, but I can’t help wondering if they’re the perfect pairing. They’re both nice names, but I don’t think they go beautifully together. I would prefer [name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Eila[/name_f] and [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f], because I feel like those are more balanced.

I’ve never liked [name_f]Margaret[/name_f], but [name_f]Eila[/name_f] is gorgeous, and the combo works well enough.

I really like [name_f]Camilla[/name_f] [name_f]Diane[/name_f]. Neither name is in my top lists, but they’re both very nice, not too common, easy to pronounce etc. Plus I love the nn [name_f]Mila[/name_f] (or [name_f]Millie[/name_f] is nice too!)!

[name_f]Clara[/name_f] has been on my “list” since Kindergarten…[name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] as a combo has been on it for years. (The only thing about it is that it is the only name on our list that is not an honor name! I don’t care so much, but my fiancé does.)

Another vote for [name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f]- love love love!

My favorites are [name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] and [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]. I think they would make great sister names if you have two girls :slight_smile:

[name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Eila[/name_f], nn [name_f]Mae[/name_f] or [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] ([name_f]Eila[/name_f] is pronounced AY-la)- I think I prefer [name_f]Ayla[/name_f] to [name_f]Eila[/name_f], though [name_f]Eila[/name_f] looks prettier. I misread it as [name_f]Ella[/name_f]. The flow is beautiful, though.
[name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f]- Not really liking this one.
[name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]- I adore [name_f]Jane[/name_f] and the flow is alright, but I’m not big on [name_f]Francesca[/name_f].
[name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f]- This one is my favourite of your names! So gorgeous!
[name_f]Camilla[/name_f] [name_f]Diane[/name_f], nn [name_f]Mila[/name_f] or [name_f]Millie[/name_f]- I like the flow. I’m not fond of [name_f]Millie[/name_f] or [name_f]Mila[/name_f], though.

I love how [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] is such a timeless classic, but [name_f]Eila[/name_f] looks a bit off spelling-wise, and [name_f]Isla[/name_f] looks a bit too modern to stand up to [name_f]Margaret[/name_f]. [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Eila[/name_f] sounds lovely though and flows well. I love [name_f]Mae[/name_f] as a nickname for [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] (though I prefer the [name_f]May[/name_f] spelling for a nickname), and [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] works too. You could also do [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Eila[/name_f] nn [name_f]Mila[/name_f], like [name_f]Jenna[/name_f] [name_m]Bush[/name_m] who has a [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] [name_f]Laura[/name_f] (after the child’s grandmothers) nn [name_f]Mila[/name_f].

I really like [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]! I find sweet, simple [name_f]Jane[/name_f] goes best with longer, more frilly and/or dramatic names, so this makes a great pairing. [name_f]Jane[/name_f] grounds the name but the liveliness and spunk of [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] balances it out and makes it interesting.

[name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f] feels the most exotic and “foreign” of your combos, in a good way, since neither name is of English origin. Both feel like more spirited names to me. I’m not sure [name_f]Elodie[/name_f] goes well with sisters [name_f]Margaret[/name_f], [name_f]Jane[/name_f], [name_f]Clara[/name_f] and [name_f]Camilla[/name_f] though, as the other names have so much more of a history of use. Something like [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] would work better, though I’m not so fond of [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f] with [name_f]Bianca[/name_f].

I’m actually one of the few Berries, it seems, who isn’t generally fan of [name_f]Clara[/name_f], but [name_f]Clara[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] goes really well together. Both are classic names easy for any kind of girl to wear. I like that you’ve liked it since kindergarten- I had horrible taste back then and would not be using any of the names I liked then on a real child!

I like [name_f]Camilla[/name_f], but [name_f]Camilla[/name_f] [name_f]Diane[/name_f] as a combination feels a bit dated to me. [name_f]Camilla[/name_f] is a bit old-fashioned, not unusably so but it’s not a currently fashionable name either. It would sound fresher and more current with a different middle, rather than [name_f]Diane[/name_f] which I’ve only heard on women 30+ years old. Also, it might just be that I’m really into the royals, but it reminds me of [name_m]Prince[/name_m] [name_m]Charles[/name_m]’ two wives which seems kind of odd for the one combination.

[name_f]Lovely[/name_f] names-- I like all of them except for [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f]-- it just seems choppy to me. Perhaps [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Camille[/name_f], [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Margaret[/name_f], or [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] instead?

[name_f]Camilla[/name_f] [name_f]Diane[/name_f].

The five combos all match well in style and feel to me, so they could easily be used for sisters. Of them my favorite is [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f], followed by [name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f]. [name_f]Jane[/name_f] [name_f]Francesca[/name_f] has a lot of punch, and [name_f]Elodie[/name_f] [name_f]Bianca[/name_f] is delicate and pretty. OTOH, they are similarly vintage, thus again, well-matched.