I’m really into [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars and love this name, but I’m not sure if it sounds too strange. So many of the names in those movies are waaaay out there lol. I just adore her character
I don’t really have an opinion about the name itself one way or the other, but, much like [name_f]Leia[/name_f], it would inevitably lead to a lot of [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars comments, and if your kid ended up liking [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars that could be pretty cool for her, but otherwise not so much. I would probably use it only as a middle name. I think [name_u]Rey[/name_u], [name_f]Mara[/name_f] [name_f]Jade[/name_f], Jaina, [name_f]Sabine[/name_f] [name_u]Wren[/name_u], etc. would be more “usable”.
I haven’t seen [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars (I know…), but at first I thought I heard it somewhere. I was thinking [name_f]Padma[/name_f] from [name_m]Harry[/name_m] [name_m]Potter[/name_m] lol…
I like it! It’s usable to me, but I don’t have the association.
I’ve never seen and of the [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars movies, but I immediately drew the connection between the name and the series. I think this will either be a love it or hate it type name; fans of the series will probably think it’s cute, but you might also get some raised eyebrows over it. I wouldn’t want to foist such an iconic name on a child for them to deal with, but as far as media related names go, [name_f]Padme[/name_f] is not the worst. [name_f]Amadea[/name_f] or [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] might be more subtle ways to retain the sound, but still subtly invoke the character.
Hmm…Well if I ever came across a [name_f]Padme[/name_f] I would question to myself if her parents were [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars fans. That being said I don’t think it sounds too strange, maybe a little bit out there but nothing too bad. You might want to expect the girl with this name to get annoyed after being referenced to [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars so much though. I do wonder actually if the younger kids in years to come will even watch the prequels given how much slack they get. So maybe the connection wouldn’t be too obvious?
I’m a big [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars fan, but I don’t connect Padmé to the series like I do [name_m]Anakin[/name_m] or [name_f]Leia[/name_f]. Perhaps because of [name_f]Padma[/name_f]?
I wouldn’t have made the [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars connection, but then I’ve never seen the films! I really like [name_f]Padme[/name_f] - out of interest, is it pronounced “PAD-mee” or “PAD-may” or “pad-[name_f]MAY[/name_f]”?
It reminds me too of [name_f]Padma[/name_f], and of some Greek -e ending names like [name_f]Daphne[/name_f] and [name_f]Thisbe[/name_f] and [name_f]Tempe[/name_f]. I think it sounds strong and warm.
Like [name_f]Leia[/name_f], you’re not going to escape the [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars connection with [name_f]Padme[/name_f]. I’d go with [name_f]Padma[/name_f].
I instantly thought of [name_f]Star[/name_f] Wars, not sure if you mind that or not. I suppose children and youngsters studying with your daughter wouldn’t know though as it would be quite an old film by then.