Thoughts on Pico?

Thoughts on this name? I just came across it on this new film ‘Home Again’. One of the actors on it uses it as his stage name as it’s meant to be a childhood nickname.

I really like the vibe and I’m a big fan of other similar names like [name_u]Milo[/name_u], [name_u]Rocco[/name_u] and [name_u]Arlo[/name_u].

What do you think? xx

It’s very cute! I actually almost named my dog Pico, if she’d been a boy. However, I don’t really see it ageing well. Perfect as just a nn though!

Could it be short for anything at all? I tried thinking of full names for it but couldn’t think of one

I can’t think of a full form. I was thinking more as a pet name.

I really like Pico. I first heard it on the travel writer Pico Iyer, whose work is fantastic. He’s British but I think of [name_f]Indian[/name_f] background.

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Pico is so cute! It could definitely work on its own, but I think I prefer it as a nickname.

some suggestions:

I also think it can just work as a nickname that has no relation to the name. or maybe just a P name?

I’m afraid I think first of pico de gallo.


How is it pronounced? [name_f]My[/name_f] first thoughts are Pico like pico de [name_m]Gallo[/name_m] but then wondered if it’s like pick-o or pie-co. I will say I prefer your three other choices over Pico.

Sorry, I’m not a fan. I understand that the sound is very sweet and appealing but in my language (Portuguese) it means peak (mountain peak, pandemic peak,…) and also thorn.
[name_u]Milo[/name_u], [name_u]Rocco[/name_u] and [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] are very handsome names!

I’d pronounce it like pico de gallo. So pee-koh. I haven’t heard it being said as I only saw it written but I would personally say it that way.

It actually has the same meaning in Spanish and for some odd reason I find it quite appealing. I really like nature/geography related names and reminds me of a place near where I grow up @Estrela

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Pico is kind of appealing. I like the sounds

I love the meaning, but I definitely just think of pico de gallo.

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I think of pico de gallo at first, but would get over it quickly if I met someone with the name. I really like it :blush:

I think it’s okay, though it does sound more like a nickname to me than a real name.

Ha I guess I don’t eat enough Pico de [name_m]Gallo[/name_m] to get that association immediately- my first thought was the island Pico in the Azores. Never been, but I spent a few months in São [name_m]Miguel[/name_m] and I am guessing it is equally beautiful. I have not met anyone named Pico, but I can’t think of any bad associations or anything.