Its our due date today and we’re still not settled on a name! We both really love [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] but I’m worried about the negativitie association - what are peoples thoughts on [name_f]Reeva[/name_f]?
It’s easy to say, read, and spell. I don’t have any negative associations with it (come to think of it, I don’t think I have any associations with it at all!).
I think if you agree and you like it, it’s a great choice!
[name_u]Early[/name_u] congrats to you both!
It’s a nice name and I had to google to understand what you mean about negative association! It’s a tragic story, but I don’t think people would really associate your daughter’s name with it. Also it’s not like that girl was a bad person!
And yeah, congratulations!! I hope everything will go as smoothly as possible!
I hadn’t heard of the association so I had to Google it as well. Maybe it depends on where you live though, but I don’t think most people would recognize the story or if they did I don’t think they’d automatically think it’s a bad name or anything because of it. Bad things happen to people all the time but that doesn’t mean the name is ruined forever. Think of [name_u]Lennon[/name_u], [name_f]Selena[/name_f], or [name_u]Tate[/name_u]. I think [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] is a cool name, it reminds me of [name_f]Reba[/name_f] but way more fresh and unique. I have Rayva or [name_m]Reeves[/name_m] on my list and [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] is sort of like a mashup of the two. But I had never even heard the name [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] before so I love that it is very unique but doesn’t sound out there at all. All this to say, if it’s the name you love then I say go for it!
[name_f]My[/name_f] grandmother’s name was [name_f]Reva[/name_f] [name_f]Mae[/name_f] (pronounced like Reeva) and I love it. Not sure my DH will get on board but I think it fits the spunky vintage name comeback of the moment. I say go for it! I do slightly prefer the [name_f]Reva[/name_f] spelling because it feels a little cleaner, but I don’t think it is a deal breaker at all.
FWIW I had no clue about any negative association with the name.
[name_f]Reeva[/name_f] is interesting and distinctive. I quite like it! I knew of the murder but I didn’t make that association
I do associate it strongly with the Pistorius case, but as others have said, it’s not like [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] is the name of the perpetrator. Personally, I’d spell it [name_f]Reva[/name_f] or [name_f]Riva[/name_f] to distance it slightly from the tragedy and because I think it looks a little cleaner and sleeker, but it’s a pretty name and definitely usable.
I love the sound! I’m not sure what the association is so I personally think it’s very usable and also very pretty.
To be honest that is the first thing that came to mind when I saw the post title (British living in NZ for 3 for the past 3years). However I’m not sure it’s a good enough reason not to use it. Once people meet a happy cute little [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] I think it will replace those connotations with happy ones.
Im unaware of the negative association. Its fine but not my style.
It’s a lovely name but I do strongly associate it with the Pistorious case sadly.
What a pretty name! I don’t know what negative association you’re referring to… but I do think this is a very nice name!!
What a pretty name! I don’t know what negative association you’re referring to… but I do think this is a very nice name!!
The Pistorius case is the first thing I thought of. But she was the victim, so while tragic the negative association is with [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] Pistorius and not [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] so I think it’s usable. I like it.
It’s not my style but I do really like it and I would love to meet a little [name_f]Reeva[/name_f]! It’s distinctive and feels unique but not too wacky.
I have no idea what the negative association is, is it regional? I prefer the simplicity of the [name_f]Reva[/name_f] and [name_f]Riva[/name_f] spellings.
I think [name_f]Reeva[/name_f] is a lovely name. I don’t know the negative association.
I like it! I don’t have any associations with it. I live in the US, in case context matters.