Thoughts on Roderick?

No idea where it came from but I suddenly have a teensy name crush on [name]Roderick[/name] (I prn Rah-drik)

It sounds kind of cool, almost vintagey, unique but not too out there, nice meaning “famous ruler/power”

The more I say it out loud the more it slowly grows on me; What do you berries think of [name]Roderick[/name]??

**Also any nickname ideas besides the go-to’s [name]Rod[/name]/[name]Roddy[/name] or [name]Rory[/name]?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

It isn’t bad :).

My affections are still growing for it haha

I like it! I say it with 3 syllables. I know one who goes by [name]Rick[/name].

love it due to the Fall of the House of [name]Usher[/name] By [name]Edgar[/name] [name]Allan[/name] [name]Poe[/name]. [name]Roderick[/name] [name]Usher[/name] was the person’s name.

I love the name [name]Roderick[/name]! If a nn is used, I like the idea [name]Rick[/name] or maybe [name]Eric[/name].

I like it a lot! There is a [name]Rodrik[/name] in the Game of Thrones novels and I always thought it was a cool name.

I’ve always had a little crush on it… but since I’m not particularly fond of [name]Rick[/name] or [name]Rod[/name] I would probably call him Rook.

I love [name]Roderick[/name]! Such a cool name. It’s on our list for baby!

It has grown on me a lot over the past little bit. I even had in our list until this week. I finally decided to axe it because I hate the name [name]Rod[/name] on its own and I hate the name [name]Rick[/name] even more and couldn’t bare to have anybody shorten a handsome name like [name]Rodrick[/name]/[name]Roderick[/name] to one of those bland, common and boring nicknames.

Cool to see everyone seems to like it! :slight_smile:

I think it’s cute :).

I worked with a [name]Roderick[/name] nn [name]Rod[/name]…I think it’s okay. I’d like the nn [name]Rocky[/name].

[name]Love[/name] it! Great name classic and cool - love [name]Roddy[/name] nickname

I prefer it as “rod-er-rick”, it’s my cousin’s name

For nn: [name]Rock[/name], Rix, [name]Rigo[/name] (Spanish version is [name]Rodrigo[/name])

[name]Roderick[/name] has been growing on me too and I would love to meet a man named [name]Roderick[/name]. Rook is for sure the coolest nn I’ve ever seen suggested for it.

I kind of like it, but I prefer [name]Alaric[/name] :slight_smile: