love it due to the Fall of the House of [name]Usher[/name] By [name]Edgar[/name] [name]Allan[/name] [name]Poe[/name]. [name]Roderick[/name] [name]Usher[/name] was the person’s name.
It has grown on me a lot over the past little bit. I even had in our list until this week. I finally decided to axe it because I hate the name [name]Rod[/name] on its own and I hate the name [name]Rick[/name] even more and couldn’t bare to have anybody shorten a handsome name like [name]Rodrick[/name]/[name]Roderick[/name] to one of those bland, common and boring nicknames.
[name]Roderick[/name] has been growing on me too and I would love to meet a man named [name]Roderick[/name]. Rook is for sure the coolest nn I’ve ever seen suggested for it.