Thoughts on Rudy?

Thoughts on the name Rudy for a boy? Yay or nay?

I’ve been loving Harvey and Wilbur, and for some reason Rudy feels a little similar? Though my cousins had a dog named Rudy when we were younger so that might be weird….

Perusing old posts it looks like a lot of people only associate the name with Rudy Giuliani. :sweat_smile:

We considered Rupert, Reuben, and Russell for our second. Now that he is here he totally does not feel like any of those names, but looking at our two boys I could see a third “feeling” like a Rudy or Harvey.

IMO it’s a no go. Too much like Rude-y and I don’t see it aging well. But that’s my opinion…

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[name_m]Early[/name_m] in her pregnancy, [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] was a name my sister really liked for her son. They did not choose [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] in the end, I think they simply found other names they liked more, but as a name nerd I spent her Rudy-phase also trying to work out how I felt about [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]!
Positives: I looked after a little [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] when he was 4. The kid happened to be adorable & I thought the name had a really cool vibe on him.

I’m not normally one to overthink the teasing potential in names, as children can make a silly rhyme out of anything, but here we have the phrase nudey-rudey and it bothers me enough that I couldn’t use the name myself, but I do really like the name for others.

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[name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is cool - clunky, cute and tough - I like it!

I did have to google who [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] Giuliani was (possibly because I’m in the UK) - and I think of [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] from The Book Thief :person_shrugging:

The prominent RUDE in the name was my main concern. It is hard not to focus on it.

I have a brother named [name_m]Rudy[/name_m], so I’m obviously biased. :slightly_smiling_face: I see it as a cute, friendly name that will nonetheless age better than one might think at first.

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I think it 100% has the same vibes as [name_m]Harvey[/name_m] & [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m] (both of which I also love!). It’s clunky and vintage in a cute, whimsical & quirky way!

I’ve never heard of [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] Giuliani. Like another poster mentioned my main association used to be [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] from The Book Thief, although I now know a [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] in real life so none of my previous associations feel that strong! He’s my partner’s grandpa so I definitely think it’s a name that works on any age, it doesn’t feel overly cutesy on an older man from my experience.

The rude-y thing used to bother me but tbh I don’t see it anymore. Once you associate a name with an actual person those word associations go away, at least for me.

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[name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is very sweet :white_heart: I don’t have any bad associations with this name

A colleague of mine was considering [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m] with a nn [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] for her son which I thought was so cool but they went with R.ichard in the end. I was a bit disappointed about as I kept calling him [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] throughout her whole pregnancy and I think the name would suit him really well …

I love love love [name_m]Harvey[/name_m] and have had him on my shortlist for a while now :white_heart: and [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] does have a very similar vibe as him and [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m] :sparkles:

I’m American and I do know of [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] Giuliani. Still, I like [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] and it reminds me of your other favorite names. Kind of vintage but doesn’t have the dusty feel of [name_m]Ernest[/name_m] or [name_m]Bernard[/name_m]. [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] feels warm and reminds me of The Book Thief (positive association, that [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is a gem).

I don’t know that reference, I just know that it’s short for [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m], so when I hear [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] I just hear it as a nickname for [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m], and [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m] doesn’t make me think of “rude”.
[name_m]Even[/name_m] if [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is used as a whole name I won’t think of that because I say ROO-dee, not RUDE-ee. I think it makes a difference when people pronounce the D in the second syllable instead of including it at the end of the first syllable, because the first syllable in [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is emphasized (so if you include the D in the first syllable, it will also be emphasized with RU in the first syllable, and have both sounds emphasized at the beginning instead of it being the first letter of the second syllable, making the RUDE sound more pronounced altogether.)
The way that syllables are propounded, emphasized, and what letter you cut syllables off at can really impact the way people perceive them.
[name_f]My[/name_f] favorite name is [name_f]Isadora[/name_f],
And when people emphasize it as isa-DOR-a instead of ISA-dor-A, it irks me because it gives a whole other vibe.
Maybe I’m just crazy.
But I do think if you just told people to pronounce it as RU-dy instead of RUDE-y, people could potentially eventually lose that negative connection

I know one [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] (adult) and I think it’s one of the coolest names ever!

I like [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]! It’s not a name you hear too often and isn’t overly popular or too out there. It’s easy to spell and easy to say. I say go for it!

I adore [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]! Especially as a nickname for [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m]. I think [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is just a cute, cuddly, wholesome and approachable name. I don’t think of [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] Giuliani mostly cause I try not to ever think about him.

I think it has the same vibe as [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m], though I have different vibes for [name_m]Harvey[/name_m] (Harvey Weinstein)

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I really like [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] and it’s my favourite of the names you’re considering. I don’t live in the U.S. but am familiar with [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] G but I think if you named your little man [name_m]Rudy[/name_m], that name will belong to him so if you love it, I hope you use it. It is a well established name and belongs to thousands of people so that connection weakens. It feels strong but friendly.

“I try not to ever think about him.” :joy::joy::joy:

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I like [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]. It’s very old Hollywood, grandpa core.

However, I personally would not use it, if a cousin had a dog named this.

Other ideas:
[name_m]Royce[/name_m] / [name_m]Roy[/name_m]

[name_f]My[/name_f] only thought was the football movie [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]

I love the name [name_m]Rudy[/name_m]! It’s such a sweet, friendly name. I like it by itself or as a nickname for [name_m]Rudolph[/name_m]. I think it has very similar vibes to [name_m]Harvey[/name_m] and [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m], especially [name_m]Wilbur[/name_m]. I don’t think it would be weird to use the name just because your cousin had a dog named this. I would still use it.

I had no idea who [name_m]Rudy[/name_m] Giuliani is till I looked him up just now. :joy: I wouldn’t worry about that too much.

Same. That’s my only association.

[name_m]Rudy[/name_m] is very cute! I know two boys called [name_m]Rudy[/name_m], and they’re both very cool people. There’s only one issue; they always used to get called [name_f]Ruby[/name_f]. But otherwise, I love it! [name_f]My[/name_f] first thought is also the football movie, which I think is a cool reference.