Thoughts on same letter names within family?

My husband is Michael, his dad is Mike, my son is Miles. No we did not try to continue with the naming after dad tradition, it was literally the only name we could agree on. My biggest negative was another name to sound like Michael because we are over that tradition! Now we’re expecting #2, a girl, and I’ve posted some of the names we’re thinking of and still nothing clicking really. I am drawn to M names though, what are your thoughts on 3/4 family members all having an M name? Annoying? Boring? I like Mae (my middle name, my grandmas middle name, her mom’s name), and also other M names like Matilda, Madeline, but it’s like…ugh M. Thoughts?

I think it’s completely fine, since you obviusly like the sound:) it’d be a totally different story (at least in my book) if you were dead set on just using names starting with M, but since you aren’t, it’s not a dealbreaker. I especially like [name_f]Mae[/name_f] for you. :slight_smile:

I have the same problem. However it’s the letter E (or the [name_f]El[/name_f] sound at the start to be more specific). I think to hell with it, we like what we like. I would always regret using my next [name_f]El[/name_f] name for a girl if I cared too much about what other people thought.
And you could sign your Xmas cards From the M’s… What a time saver! Xxx

That could be pretty cute to sign them that way!

I say use the names you like regardless of what letter they start with. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

If the names you’re being drawn to start with M, and you genuinely love them, then go for it.

There’s a difference between having the same letters in a family, simply because the parents happen to love names that start with those letters, and parents who force the whole ‘same letter’ thing.

My boyfriend [name_u]Cody[/name_u]'s siblings are (in birth order, they all follow him he’s the oldest); [name_u]Colby[/name_u] (g), [name_m]Cooper[/name_m] (b) and [name_u]Corbin[/name_u] (b). Now his parents chose [name_u]Cody[/name_u] and [name_u]Colby[/name_u], simply because they loved them, but when they had their third they chose to stick with the Co- thing, and then again with their fourth. They actually used names that weren’t their favorites at the time, just to continue with Co- thing, which is a real shame. [name_u]Cody[/name_u]'s mom did once say to him, she regrets it now.

That’s an example I know of personally, where same letter naming is forced.

However, like I said, choosing a name with the same letter that you genuinely love is totally different.