Thoughts on Sonora?

See the results of this poll: Thoughts on Sonora?

Respondents: 25 (This poll is closed)

  • Love it : 4 (16%)
  • Hate it : 3 (12%)
  • It’s ok : 17 (68%)
  • Other (specifiy in response please!): 1 (4%)

Like the city? That’s my main reaction.

Then I think of sonorous, like someone with a deep voice.

So…it doesn’t feel very namelike and since it begins with “son” but ends with an -a it’s hard to imagine on either gender.

I put “it’s okay”

It is definitely usable… but I don’t quite love it.
The name doesn’t have any bad associations and is distinct if that is what you are going for… so why not?

I read a book based on sleeping beauty by [name_f]Gail[/name_f] [name_u]Carson[/name_u] Levine in which the main character was called [name_f]Sonora[/name_f]. It was a joke name in the book as far as I remember as [name_f]Sonora[/name_f] sounds a little like ‘snore-a’.

I don’t like it. [name_m]How[/name_m] do you feel about [name_f]Sunniva[/name_f]?

I named my ferret [name_f]Sonora[/name_f]! [name_f]Love[/name_f] the name, I do think it’s feminine but underused at the same time, surprising to see as a name. I think of the desert when I hear it.

I like it for a boy, it’s on my list.

I quite like it, actually. It seems similar to [name_f]Sonata[/name_f] and [name_f]Minuet[/name_f], all of which I wish were acceptable for a child.