Hello, what are your thoughts on [name_u]Dakota[/name_u]? I know it’s a controversial name to name any child this. But I want to know if I’d upset people naming a future child this. Middle name/first names are always appreciated.
Presuming you’re white - I personally would not use it because there are so many other names that don’t have the potential to be offensive. But ultimately as a white person, my opinion on whether this name is appropriate or not is actually irrelevant. You need to ask indigenous people and listen to their opinion, even if it’s uncomfortable.
Here is a quote from an actual indigenous person I found online regarding the use of names [name_u]Dakota[/name_u], [name_u]Cheyenne[/name_u] etc:
I personally think it’s a little weird to have the name of a tribe that you don’t belong to, but that being said there’s no specific protocol (at least for my people and for tribes that I know of) about naming your children after a tribe. (HOWEVER, there is a protocol around names given to you in your indigenous language by elders/spiritual leaders.) But I would say that if you choose to name your child after a tribe, you should take your time to educate yourself, and your child, about that tribe’s history and current issues facing them. And you have also known that most tribes original/preferred names translate to a variation of “The people/the first people” so that’s what your child’s name would actually mean.
Another response by a non-native POC:
[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! [name_f]Non[/name_f]-Native woman of colour here. I can’t speak to Native words specifically, but I do find it kind of odd when white people name their kids after non-white places, like “[name_f]China[/name_f]” or “[name_f]Asia[/name_f]”. I don’t necessarily find it offensive – just weird. Like, I’m Chinese-Canadian and I’d probably never name my kid “[name_u]Milan[/name_u]” or “[name_u]Paris[/name_u].” If you’re going to use a word/name outside of your own culture, I think you should make a point to educate your child about where that word comes from so that they are taught the importance of recognizing and honouring their name’s roots!
Bottom line, if you’re going to name your child [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] then you better be getting out there, donating, having difficult conversations, educating yourself and your child, and giving up your privileges to help alleviate the burden of racism on Native Americans’ shoulders. If you’re not able to do that, then you have no business naming your child [name_u]Dakota[/name_u].
If anyone here is Native American I’d love to hear your perspective on this name because it’s your prerogative!
I would have never known that there was ANY controversy to this name had it not been for this post.
Yes I am American-Mexican but I do educate myself on Native American history and other cultures, just because I’m always interest in other cultures in general, even though I still know I only know the surface of the problems that Native Americans face. Though would I actually ever use [name_u]Dakota[/name_u]? No. Probably not, because of the controversy of it.
Thank you though for the reminder of educating me and many other I presume. It is very appreciative…
I probably would avoid it because of the controversy
I would avoid it simply bc others might be offended by it.
LOL. There’s controversy around everything these days.
That’s so true @emmelineseraphic ! Everything from Aunt [name_f]Jemima[/name_f] syrup to baby names are offensive nowadays! I don’t think by naming your child [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] you are now obligated to feel guilty every day of your life because of the struggles native Americans have/are facing. I think it’s smart to educate yourself on the culture your child’s name is from for sure. And I do think it would be great for you to look in to how you can help people of the culture who are struggling, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to. But I really don’t think naming your child [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] is that big of a deal. Yes naming your child “[name_f]China[/name_f]” or “[name_f]Asia[/name_f]” is weird, but people name their kids [name_u]London[/name_u], [name_u]Paris[/name_u], [name_u]Holland[/name_u], [name_f]India[/name_f], ect. all the time and no one seems to mind. I’m sure many people will disagree with me on this. But I really don’t think most people would be offended if you named your child [name_u]Dakota[/name_u].
I know a few [name_u]Dakota[/name_u]’s and they have never had anyone mention that people found their name offensive.
There is a lot of history behind the name but it’s not an offensive term. There are brands, transportation, places all called [name_u]Dakota[/name_u] - as well as medicines.
Is the fear appropriation?
I’ve known several people named [name_u]Dakota[/name_u], male and female. I’ve only seen the name called “offensive” on the internet. It was nearly a top 50 name in the 90s. The ship has sailed.