I’ve been thiking of using the name Leinikki (means buttercup in Finnish) as a pseudonym online, and [name_f]Leina[/name_f] (read as [name_f]Laina[/name_f], but I like it written better as [name_f]Leina[/name_f]) as a short version.
It sounds cute to me but I’m not sure how it sounds to other people in general. Any honest thoughts on it? Is it funny? Too weird or over-the top? Thank you in advance.
Isn’t that too cute for author’s pseudonym? Maybe it would work for singer? What kind of online pseudonym you mean?
Is your country open to cute names like [name_m]Britain[/name_m]? Is Leinikki common name?
Oops, forgot to mention. I meant as an online personality. YouTuber to be precise. No it is not common. I’ve never seen it used as a name, nor inserted on any baby/name site. Thats why I wanted to ask here. Because I couldn’t find opinions anywhere, haha.
I think it’s really relative to what you’re trying to convey with your online personality. It’s definitely a cutesy name to me, so is that an association you want or at least something you’re willing to work with?
I really like it
I prefer [name_f]Leilani[/name_f]. Leinikki sounds inconsistent to me.
I like Leinikki. If you’re making content for YouTube, just be mindful of what type of content you’re making and see if it is consistent with the mood that Leinikki is trying to convey. But I really do like it!