Thoughts on the name Zephyr...

What do you think of the name [name]Zephyr[/name] for a boy? Could be shortened to Zeph or Zephy…

I actually went to school with a boy we called Zeph, short for [name]Zephyr[/name]. But I think it was his mn. It worked quite well even through high school. I might be a little unsure of it as an adult name though. Maybe using it in the middle or giving him a traditional middle name gives him options?

The meaning of [name]Zephyr[/name] sure has it’s appeal but honestly this a name that would make my “guilty pleasures” list as I would never use it myself for a first name. Maybe for a middle name. I’m more likely to to take chances with girls names than boys. So on a girl the nn Zephy sounds like Stephie a nn for [name]Stephanie[/name].

I like it.

It could also sound arabian if you put the stress on the 2nd syllable (Ze-FEER).

In the world of adventurous names, I do think it’s cool, but I have to admit that I think of the rhyming heifer (young cow).

[name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] wrote that [name]Zephyr[/name] has a petlike quality, and is the monkey’s name in Babar books, which may or may not bother you.

It may be too traditional for you, but I thought I’d suggest [name]Xavier[/name], just for fun. :slight_smile:

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I love it. We are expecting our first child - a girl, in [name]December[/name], and we are naming her [name]Zephyr[/name] [name]Ann[/name]. We wanted something funky and hip, which certainly matches my personality.