Thoughts On These Boy Names

I have been toying with these names in my head lately, thoughts and suggestions are welcome. :slight_smile:

[name]Simon[/name] (I love the nickname [name]Si[/name], yet this is the only “[name]Si[/name]” name I like)
[name]Flint[/name] (Is this really that macho? I find it rather sweet for some reason)

[name]Love[/name] [name]Simon[/name]! And [name]Alasdair[/name], although this has always seemed more like middle name potential. I even love [name]Dimitri[/name], although I worry it’s a little too culture-specific. Really, any of these three would be wonderful choices. [name]Flint[/name], I’m not a fan of. Sorry.

[name]Simon[/name] - it seems like it should be a mainstream name but I think I’ve only every meet one [name]Simon[/name]. It’s the best of two worlds - well known but not overly popular. Two thumbs up.

[name]Alasdair[/name] - I can see the appeal but it always reminds me of the clumsy kid from middle school. Though I like the old-timey flair.

[name]Dimitri[/name] - I’m not a fan of overtly Russian sounding names unless you are of Russian decent or your child was conceived or born in [name]Russia[/name].

[name]Flint[/name] - Very cute. Think this would be really great as a mn or even as a fn with a slightly longer more classic mn.

[name]Simon[/name] – [name]Love[/name] this. It’s so intellectual but cool and [name]Si[/name] is great! i’ve also only met one.
[name]Alasdair[/name] – I generally prefer [name]Alastair[/name], but this is cool too. I love the nickname [name]Dair[/name].
[name]Dimitri[/name] – [name]Dimitri[/name] is a favorite. I love the spellings [name]Dmitri[/name] and [name]Demetri[/name]. Very cool.
[name]Flint[/name] – I actually know a little boy with the middle name [name]Flint[/name]. i don’t like it as a first name, but I think it makes a cool middle,

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[name]Simon[/name]–I don’t think I have ever met a [name]Simon[/name]. It’s nms but it’s a nice enough name.

[name]Alasdair[/name]–I’m not a fan of this one. Idk why but I always picture an upper class snob with this name. Maybe because there was an a character in a soap opera I used to watch with the very similar name of Alistar.

[name]Dimitri[/name]–I [name]LOVE[/name] this name. If my LN wasn’t so…English…I would totally use it. This is my favorite spelling too.

[name]Flint[/name]–I prefer this over [name]Flynn[/name] but I don’t love it…But I have an aversion to F names.