Thoughts on these boy names?

We’re having a girl but we have some boy names picked out and just wanted to see what y’all think and see if it will help y’all come up with ideas on suggest on my post under Girl Baby Names.

Salem DaleReign Collins
(Dale is my fiance’s middle name and we both hate it but its a tradition in his family to pass it down so we came up with the name DaleReign.

Xavior Seth Collins
(we do not like Xavier)

Kaison Dominic Collins
(we only like this spelling and Caison)

Mitchell Jace Collins
(Mitchell is an honorary name on both sides; his mom’s maiden name and the surname of my first baby miscarried )

I like Mitchell and Kaison

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I’m not sure DaleReign as one name works that well. At least in my accent the sounds don’t mesh together wonderfully and both names sort of get lost.

If you want to stick with the Salem combo, I would either get rid of Dale entirely since you don’t like it and just go with Salem Reign Collins or I would write it as 2 separate middles: Salem Dale Reign Collins / Salem Reign Dale Collins.

As for the other names, I prefer the Caison spelling. Mitchell Jace Collins is a lovely combo. My only concern with Xavior is I have no idea how you want to pronounce it - Zav-ee-eh or Ex-ayv-ee-er? I can see the second pronounciation from your spelling but the first seems a bit of a stretch so just wanted to check.

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Honestly, to me Salem = Witch Trials… I wouldn’t go there; bit of an awful connotation.

I really don’t like DaleReign smooshed together. If you don’t like Dale, I just wouldn’t use it or perhaps find a diminutive you like more. Sticking Reign on the end looks out of place, and I don’t think it helps any.

Xavior I feel is going to be a spelling nightmare, and I also find it hard to read. My brain keeps wanting to say “Saviour” rather than Xavier.

Kaison is not my style, but I don’t mind it. Do you say “k-ay-son” or “k-eye-son“?

I really like all the meaning behind Mitchell. It sounds like it has a special place for you.

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Mitchell… a very nice name, which I think is underused & underappreciated. And as for its meaning, I’m so very sorry for your loss. And I think it’s an excellent honoring idea.

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Mitchell Jace is my favorite. I like Dominic in the middle spot, but not really a fan of Kaison/Caison (although I think Kai on its own is a really nice name). I’d like Xavior Seth with the usual spelling, I think Xavior mill be constantly misspelled. It also reminds me of Savior, and I don’t feel comfortable with the connection, too heavy for a kid.

I agree with @_thelittlefairywren that Salem is too tied to the Witch Trials (and also to Sabrina’s cast in my case) Also, if you don’t like Dale, I don’t see how DaleReign get it better. It still has the Dale in it. It would be better to add it as just Dale (Mitchell Dale for example) or not to add it. Traditions are not mandatory.

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Mitchell Jace is a great name! Kai Dominic or Kaiser Dominic would be very handsome. Xavior Seth is nice, but I’m not crazy about that spelling.

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I’m not sure DaleReign works, but if you flip it to ReignDale, it almost sounds like Randall/Rendell. I think you could go with one of those over forcing Dale to work, or perhaps a variation of Dale like Dalian? Salem Rendell Collins or Salem Dalian Collins would be really handsome.

Overall though, I like Mitchell Jace for you most. It seems to hold the most meaning and I love the flow!

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While DaleReign isn’t my style at all, it does sound nice and is a clever way of working around tradition. I think personally I wouldn’t capitalize the R, so Dalereign. I also like the suggestion above of Dalian.

Personally not a fan of Salem, Kaison, or Xavior.
Salem has too much baggage, Kaison will have spelling and pronunciation issues and I’m just not certain it will age well, and Xavior will also always have to spell the name out for people.

I quite like Mitchell and the meaning it has for you. I think Mitchell Dalereign/Dalian would be really nice and would work a little better with the girls names you’re currently considering as far as looking ahead to future kids go.

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[name_m]Xavier[/name_m] [name_u]Seth[/name_u] is my favorite as I think it has a bit more of a classic style and I think the X is super cool as a first letter. [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m] [name_u]Jace[/name_u] is my second favorite. If you don’t like [name_u]Dale[/name_u], how about [name_m]Dallon[/name_m] or [name_m]Dalton[/name_m]? Not exactly the same sound but keeps the general idea of [name_u]Dale[/name_u]. I’d also suggest just using a second middle name in addition to [name_u]Dale[/name_u] if you want to keep it in its regular form. [name_u]Salem[/name_u] [name_m]Dominic[/name_m] [name_u]Dale[/name_u] or [name_u]Salem[/name_u] [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m] [name_u]Dale[/name_u] would be a way to incorporate the name.

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