Thoughts on these names ending in ya?

I am in love w the names Cruskaya and Kasiya… but I wonder if they’re hard to pronounce. How do you pronounce them from just reading them? Please don’t hesitate to reply with names ending in “ya” that you adore. Opinions, thoughts, all are appreciated.

(Should probably say that I personally pronounce them as kroo-SKY-uh and kuh-SEE-uh.)

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kroos-KAI-a and ka-SY-a

I prefer just [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]

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Is Kasiya like [name_f]Cassia[/name_f]? I wouldn’t know how to pronounce Cruskaya. Is it just how it looks? Crus-kaya. I like Kasiya, but I’m not a big fan of Cruskaya. I like [name_f]Anya[/name_f], [name_f]Mariya[/name_f], and [name_f]Talya[/name_f]!

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How would you pronounce Kasiya? :slight_smile:

Oh really? Because I read [name_f]Cassia[/name_f] as KASS-ee-uh, but read Kasiya as Kuh-SEE-uh.

Kaya is a lovely name.

Maybe Ca(as in [name_f]Cat[/name_f])-see-uh or Kuh-see-uh. Both seem like they would work.

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It’s sometimes so hard to write how I pronounce things, but I’ll try!
Cruskaya - ‘kroos-kai-ah’
Kasiya - ‘ka-si-yah’
I like Kasiya, but not sure how I feel about Cruskaya.

Other ‘-ya’ names I like are…
Reya (Although, I do prefer the ‘[name_f]Rhea[/name_f]’ spelling)

Welcome to Nameberry!

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I find Cruskaya a bit hard and awkward but Kasiya is nice

I’d pronounce them crus- KUH-ya and KUH-see-ya. I like [name_f]Freya[/name_f]