[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there.
Here are my thoughts on your current list:
[name_u]Lincoln[/name_u]-I think that this goes really well w/your crew. It’s last name-y like [name_m]Jaxon[/name_m], but also totally workable as a fn. It’s very recognizable & easy to say/spell, but not terribly common. It sounds nice w/your ln too. It’s got everything covered!
[name_u]Remington[/name_u]-I don’t love this one. [name_f]My[/name_f] dh does because of the gun…which is why I think it’s weird. [name_m]Just[/name_m] [name_u]Remy[/name_u] is darling though.
[name_u]Phoenix[/name_u]-This name is really growing on me. I think that it’s cool w/your kids’ names. It shares an ‘x’ w/[name_m]Jaxon[/name_m], & is a nature name like [name_u]Rowan[/name_u]. It’s kind of bold yet artsy.
[name_m]Cash[/name_m]-I kind of like this one. It’s sort of cowboy-ish, which is fun. It may be a bit rhyme-y w/your ln.
[name_m]Declan[/name_m]-I love this name. It’s witty, sporty, friendly & smart.
[name_m]Atticus[/name_m]-This is cool. A little artsy & a bit quirky. Sort of a different style from [name_m]Jaxon[/name_m] & [name_u]Rowan[/name_u], but it doesn’t not match.
[name_u]Blaise[/name_u]-Ooh, I like this! Certainly more unique than some of the others. It goes really well w/[name_m]Jaxon[/name_m] & [name_u]Rowan[/name_u], & just has a cool feeling.
[name_u]Spencer[/name_u]-This works w/your crew, & is fine. I don’t personally love it. [name_m]Just[/name_m] a little too geeky, even though I tend to like geeky boy names.
[name_m]Gideon[/name_m]-Now this is just the right amount of geeky! It’s geeky in.a smart charming way. It’s well know, but not too popular. Easy to say & spell, & goes well w/your ln & your kids’ names.
A few more ideas that you may like…
[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps.