Thoughts on these names?

I never really see these names being discussed anywhere and I was just curious what impressions people had of them. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you like them? Why or why not? What kind of vibes do they give you? I’m not considering them for myself, but just curious!


[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] - Not my favorite, I’ve always thought it sounded a little out of place as a name. I think maybe because it sounds really similar to [name_f]Candace[/name_f] and I have to make and effort not to mix them up

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] - Not incredibly exciting to me but I mostly like it, it has a cool sound

[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] - I can’t say I hate it but it’s kinda blah and not really my style

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] - I really like it now that I think about it, it’s very fun but also elegant, probably not something I’d actually consider using (too geographical) but still super cool

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] - [name_u]Eh[/name_u] I don’t really have a strong opinion

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] - I really like this name. Unfortunately I’m not at all musical, so my liking is pretty much unrelated to the meaning and mostly about how [name_u]Cadence[/name_u] sounds elegant and original. That ‘ence’ ending is one of the rarest.

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] - a Telegraph name (having a posh, UK vibe). It’s grown on me over time, to about 6/10 at this point. I don’t like the name [name_m]Ken[/name_m] so poor [name_f]Kendra[/name_f] is held back by that!

[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] - I don’t like it! I don’t tend to like ‘ique’ ending names (Veronique is the exception) and I don’t like [name_m]Dominic[/name_m] or any [name_m]Dom[/name_m]- name so far as I can recall, so the sounds just don’t appeal.

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] - this is beautiful! I recently spotted it spelt Velencia. Makes me think of elegance, Spanish sunshine and culture.

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] - 5/10. Character in 90’s [name_f]British[/name_f] TV programme The Queen’s Nose, that’s my main association! She was a good character, with an annoying older sister called [name_f]Melody[/name_f]! Kind of the opposite of [name_u]Cadence[/name_u], I think: The various meanings appeal to me, but how it sounds does not.

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] :musical_note: :rainbow: :sunny: I love [name_u]Cadence[/name_u]! Warm, sparkly, lively and bright!

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] :ear_of_rice: :art: dated-but-in-a-cool-way!

[name_u]Dominque[/name_u] :beach_umbrella: :high_heel: hmm, not sure on it. I find it a bit clunky and there’s something that doesn’t quite appeal, but I can’t put my finger on it.

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] :sunny: :ocean: :handbag: stylish, sunny and sparkly with a sort of fashionable vibe

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] :dove: :musical_score: it’s quite pleasing and melodic, and I like the way it’s musical and also peaceful? There is a bit of harshness about it and I prefer [name_f]Melody[/name_f] or [name_u]Cadence[/name_u], but [name_u]Harmony[/name_u] is nice too.

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] - don’t hate it, don’t love it. It feels musical and poetic, but doesn’t have that wow factor for me.

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] - I like it. I picture it a bit old fashioned. Definitely not trendy.

[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] - I’ve always liked this name! It’s very pretty and has a great look to it. Some fun nickname options and somehow not overused.

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] - I only know this name because of a tv show but I like the character so I like it :rofl: I think it’s a cool name, but might be mispelled or misread a lot. [name_f]Valerie[/name_f] and [name_u]Valentine[/name_u] look very similar and could get confused.

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] - I think it’s pretty, but feels very hippie to me. Like a 70s love child kind of name. I like it though!

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] is my favorite, I know a few little girls with this name and I think it’s a pretty name.
[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] is dated to me, I would freshen it up and go with [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u].
[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] is ok, kinda dated as well but not bad.
[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] is pretty and has a mysterious quality to it.
[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] has a pretty sound of course but I don’t like that it has the word harm in it.

[name_f]My[/name_f] personal thoughts:

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] - I think it has a pretty sound, although I always preferred the sound of [name_f]Candace[/name_f] which makes me feel like there’s something missing from [name_u]Cadence[/name_u]. Still, I thought it was a nice, fresh take on [name_f]Candace[/name_f] / [name_f]Katie[/name_f] (if a little 2000s - I associate it with other early/mid-00s hits like [name_f]Nevaeh[/name_f] and Addison) and I was surprised when it barely cracked the top 200 before petering out; I thought it had potential to approach the top 100.

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] - This name is alright to me, if a little underrated. I don’t personally love it, but it’s one of those names that works on every person, and doesn’t really have any ambiguity in spelling and pronunciation. Although it’s not the most distinct and definitely not on trend at the moment, it has solid points going for it.

[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] - I really love the consonance and assonance in this name - the pleasing d-sound, followed up by a soft m and then a hard k. Then for vowels, the round o gives way to the sleek and curt i and ee sounds. I’ve always had a soft spot for this name, I think mostly due to positive associations, and I’m a bit sad that it’s fallen pretty much completely off (given to only 81 girls in the US in 2022). However, though I like the strength it has, I do think it’s a little too ‘stout’, if that makes sense - it lacks a certain femininity and ease. I’m also not a huge fan of the nickname [name_m]Dom[/name_m].

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] - mysterious and intriguing, although I think I personally prefer other [name_u]Val[/name_u]- names as they flow off the tongue a little better. I’m surprised it really hasn’t taken off more.

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] - It’s weird because this name consists of all soft sounds but there really is a certain harshness to it when said aloud. Perhaps it’s just the association of the “Har-” sound with the word harsh?? I do like how it looks, and the vibes it gives off which are kind of flower power and peace-n-love. I think it’s a nice name but I do prefer [name_f]Melody[/name_f].

[name_f]Kendra[/name_f] is one of my favorite names. It feels kind of elven but also classic but underused.

[name_u]Cadence[/name_u] seems really trendy (at least near where I live). I’m not the biggest fan, although I do like the music reference.

[name_u]Dominique[/name_u] reminds me of [name_u]Dominique[/name_u] Moceanu. Sweet but sassy. It’s not for me but not bad.

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] seems regal and kind of over the top “pretty princess” vibes. Again, not for me but not bad.

[name_u]Harmony[/name_u] not my favorite of the musical term names but I like it well enough. Seems a little dated, though.

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