Thoughts on this name?

[name_f]Manuela[/name_f] “Manny”

It was the name of a character on a show I used to watch as a kid and I actually really love it. I just think [name_m]Manny[/name_m] is so cute on a girl. What do you think of the name?

TIA :slight_smile:

Cute!! I love Manny as an nn for a girl! I’ve heard of Manny as a nickname for Amanda too. :relaxed:

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[name_f]Manuela[/name_f] is distinct and interesting!! I went to school with one when i was little and I always thought it was a nice name

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i prefer emmanuella/emanuela, but manuela is pretty!

if i’m being honest, i don’t love manny on a girl. i find it to be a bit too in-your-face masculine. i prefer manuela’s other nicknames (nuela, lela, mallie, mela, nela, ella, etc) although maybe that’s just me!