Thoughts on Tommy

yes Tommy for a girl. My very close friend passed away a few years ago and her name was Tammy. I love this name to honor her, what are your guys’ honest opinions? you won’t hurt my feelings i promise :slight_smile:

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[name_m]Tommy[/name_m] on a girl could be cute but I don’t think it’s substantial enough for a full name. Maybe as a nickname for something like [name_f]Thomasina[/name_f]?


I think it works on a girl, though I do prefer it on a boy personally.

If you want a longer name, maybe [name_f]Tomika[/name_f], [name_f]Tamara[/name_f], or [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f]?

I really don’t like it. Sorry. It’s a bland nickname name for a boy and feels like it’s trying to be exciting by gender bending but it’s still just a bland boy name on a girl.

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Not my favorite but [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] will fit right in with the little girls named [name_u]Charlie[/name_u], [name_u]Billie[/name_u], [name_u]Ronnie[/name_u] and [name_u]Rooney[/name_u].


I don’t love it but I don’t hate it. It definitely fits in with the masculine names for girls that are trendy right now, but I just don’t love this name specifically.

It could work, I suppose. I know a [name_u]Tommi[/name_u] who must be in her 70s now (named after an uncle, if I remember correctly). I love [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] on a boy but don’t personally find it appealing on a girl.

It is very sweet to want to honor her :two_hearts: did she have a middle name you may consider?

I would love that name in a girl twin (due to the meaning of the name). Otherwise, no.

Not a fan. It’s such a common nickname for Thomas these days that I’d be really confused to see it on a girl. You also don’t know how your child will turn out, so having a tomboy first name might be hard to pull off. I second Tamsin and Thomasina. Another honor name I think would work is Tamarind.

It’s okay, but I think there are better options

Sure, as a nickname, it’s cute! Thomasin or Thomasina maybe?

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[name_m]Tommy[/name_m] would be an adorable girl’s name! It’s so pretty and I definitely prefer it on a girl than on a boy.


[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] on a girl!

Honesly, no. It’s such a boy nickname to me. At least give her longer version that could lend [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] or [name_f]Tammy[/name_f] as nicknames, maybe?

@Megvidan27 yes. :slight_smile:

@wintersnowflake03 Thank you, I will consider that!

@Llewthewolf I actually love [name_u]Ronnie[/name_u]!

@namergirl3 Thank you! I really like [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] kay❤️

@fearlessfirefly as crazy as this may seem, there are other Tommy’s that are female in the world! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Greyblue thank you. are there any names you would suggest?

@snowmaiden Thank you !!!

@hpdvk Yay! I’m glad someone agrees🙂

@etoilelumineuse Thank you !

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I’d suggest:


I actually met a little girl named [name_f]Tamsin[/name_f] who they call “Tommy” after her late grandfather

I don’t know if I’d use [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] as a full name

Oh, I’ve just never seen it on a girl before. So it’s new to me.

[name_u]Love[/name_u] it on both boys and girls. I have seen an adorable baby girl on Instagram named [name_m]Tommy[/name_m] [name_u]Ray[/name_u] so I definitely think it could work on a girl.