Thoughts on... v2.0

I am sorry for the 2 posts in quick succession but I have been a little depressed and just browsing helps chill the head and I found some names that piqued my interest.

What are your thoughts on these? Know any more info on them?

Alasne - Basque - Meaning “[name_f]Miracle[/name_f]”
[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - Hebrew - Meaning “[name_f]Eternal[/name_f]”
[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - Arabic - Meaning “[name_f]Precious[/name_f], Rare”
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - Has a few origins and meanings so click the name for info
[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - Italian Place name
Riosa - prn [name_f]Ree[/name_f]-OH-sah (?) - Spanish Place Name
Aerilee - Youtubers child
Aerie - My(maybe not?) made up name playing on the above
[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - [name_m]French[/name_m] Place Name

Some interesting names here

Alasne - love the meaning ! Is it pronounced uh-lass -nee, uh-lass-nuh, something else?

[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - Another great meaning with a familiar yet distinctive sound!! It feels pleasant to say

[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - love this - one of my favourite Arabic names! It sounds so full of story and bright imagery

[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - I love the sounds of [name_f]Mira[/name_f], it’s cute, sharp but sweet, mature and gentle. The different meanings and origins also really appeal and interest me

[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - I find it a little hard to say but that might just be me. It looks quite nice

Riosa - I like it! The sounds and flow are great

Aerilee - interesting sound but the spelling is too fussy for me

Aerie - I prefer the look of this and I think it would make a great nn to [name_u]Ariel[/name_u], [name_f]Arielle[/name_f] or [name_f]Ariella[/name_f].

[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - there’s something really appealing about the sound! It’s sleek and fresh

Thanks for the reply!
Alasne is prn al-az-neh - IDK why the NB link didn’t work - Alasne - Baby Name Meaning, Origin, and Popularity | Nameberry

Alasne - Not bad. I like how it sounds.
[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - Cute, though I prefer [name_f]Amara[/name_f].
[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - Not a fan, it reminds me of [name_f]Nadia[/name_f] which I find dated
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - I really like [name_f]Mira[/name_f]! It’s pretty and underused
[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - This one doesn’t sound very name-like to me. It’s alright, just not my style.
Riosa - I feel like she’d get called [name_f]Rosa[/name_f] a lot. I like it though!
Aerilee - Not a fan. I don’t like the -ee ending, it feels very trendy to me, and it makes me think of unpleasant words like eerily.
Aerie - This one’s better, and kind of cute, but it sounds a bit too much like “air” for me. Have you considered Airi?
[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - [name_f]Calais[/name_f] is sweet! It has a romantic sound

Thank you Emm!

I really like [name_u]Amari[/name_u], [name_f]Nadira[/name_f] and [name_f]Mira[/name_f]! Those names are stunning!

My favorite is definitely Alasne! Thanks for introducing me to so many new names!

Alasne: A new one for me! Basque names are always so lovely, and this is no exception. It reminds me of the color aquamarine.
[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - I’ve only heard this name on a boy, and I have a hard time picturing it on a girl.
[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - Beautiful, reminds me of gemstones and jewels! And [name_f]Indira[/name_f] :smiley: but slightly prettier, I think.
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - I love Miro, but I’m neutral on [name_f]Mira[/name_f]. I love how multicultural it is, and it has so many lovely meanings. It also sounds awful in my American accent, maybe that’s what’s putting me off?
[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - I slightly prefer [name_f]Vincenza[/name_f]; since I’m unfamiliar with the name (or the place), this just feels like a letter was taken out of [name_f]Vincenza[/name_f].
Riosa - Another unfamiliar one for me, I really like it! Have you considered the similar [name_u]Rosario[/name_u]?
Aerilee - I’m not a fan of this one. It reminds me of an adverb, like “merrily,” but I like your spin on it!
Aerie - An American lingere brand, but I don’t see the problem if it’s not popular in Australia. It’s a very light and lifting word!
[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - I know another berry had [name_f]Mary[/name_f] [name_f]Calais[/name_f] in their signature, which just reminds me of [name_f]Maria[/name_f] [name_f]Callas[/name_f]. Obviously I prefer [name_f]Callas[/name_f] to [name_f]Calais[/name_f], but I still like this one! It’s an unexpected “beach” name.

Aerie is rather cute, but not entirely made up, as it’s the name of a store here in [name_u]North[/name_u] [name_u]America[/name_u], lol. Not that that’s necessarily a deterrent, I just thought you’d like to know!

I also like [name_f]Mira[/name_f], [name_f]Nadira[/name_f], [name_f]Calais[/name_f], Aerilee, and [name_u]Amari[/name_u]!

My favorites are [name_f]Mira[/name_f] and Aerie. Aeries are the nests of eagles and other large birds of prey.

Really interesting list…I find Basque names to be fascinating, perhaps because they’re familiar yet unusual (at least to me) at the same time.

From your list, my favorites are Alasne, [name_f]Mira[/name_f], & Riosa. Like a previous poster mentioned, [name_u]Amari[/name_u] feels more boy to me. [name_f]Nadira[/name_f] is just NMS & I too have trouble w/wanting to put an “n” in [name_f]Vicenza[/name_f]. Aerilee seems too trendy/kre8tiv, although the sound is very pretty. Aerie has a pretty sound, but in the US at least might result in comments like “You named her after a store?” [name_f]Calais[/name_f] also has a pretty sound, but I’m not sure if there would be issues w/pronunciation. I speak [name_m]French[/name_m] (to a certain extent), so I know it’s [name_u]Cal[/name_u]-ay, but in [name_f]Maine[/name_f], there’s a town named [name_f]Calais[/name_f] that’s pronounced Callus.

I looked up Alasne to see what else I could find out about it…over on BehindTheName (sorry for cheating on you, Nameberry!), two commenters have each listed a different pronunciation: ah-LAHS-nuh & uh-LAHZ-nay. And there’s a YouTube video from PronounceNames that mixes the two: ah-LAHZ-nay.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] for fun I made up some combinations:

Alasne Riosa
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] [name_f]Calais[/name_f]
[name_f]Calais[/name_f] Alasne
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] Riosa

Good luck choosing! :slight_smile:

Alasne - From what I’ve read, the more common spelling in Basque is Alazne. In any case, I think it’s a nice name, though I feel in English speaking countries you have to explain the pronunciation a lot.

[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - I’m only familiar with this as a boy’s name.

[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - I really like this name! [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] sound.

[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - I’m a big fan of this name, either as a standalone or as nickname. I find the sound very sweet.

[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - The sound doesn’t really appeal to me. Plus, [name_f]Vincenza[/name_f] has more history of use as a name.

Riosa - I haven’t heard of the place, though I think the name has a nice sound.

Aerilee - Definitely looks made-up, but the sound is pretty.

Aerie - I believe this is a brand name but it is rather cute.

[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - When I hear this I picture the refugee camps at [name_f]Calais[/name_f]. Not a nice connotation [name_f]IMO[/name_f].

Alasne - I like how it looks and sounds but it is very unfamiliar so a lot of mispronunciation would probably be in order… That’s never stopped me though, lol.

[name_u]Amari[/name_u] - Not my style but it is pretty and fun to say!

[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] - Familiar to me and I like it. The only issue I see is that it could potentially (maybe?) be mistaken for [name_f]Nadia[/name_f].

[name_f]Mira[/name_f] - The most well known name on this list, I think. Pretty but not really my taste. Easy to read and say!

[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] - I almost said [name_f]Vincentia[/name_f] instead. This is different – I had never heard of this place before! Looks gorgeous but I’m not sure how to pronounce it.

Riosa - Like the look but it could easily be mistaken for [name_f]Rosa[/name_f], as a previous poster mentioned.

Aerilee - I kind of like this one. I love “ae” names but the ending on this one seems a little off.

Aerie - My favourite of the list! [name_u]Love[/name_u] the look and sound of this name. The sound is familiar and I don’t really see this one being mispronounced.

[name_f]Calais[/name_f] - I love the look and nn [name_u]Cali[/name_u] would be super cute. Difficult to read/pronounce if you don’t know the origin though!

Alasne – I love many Basque names, and this one is no exception (though I do believe the Alazne spelling may be more accurate). It would likely be one that would need correction constantly as to pronunciation and spelling… I do, however, have Alazne on my own long-list - she both looks and sounds beautiful, and the meaning is lovely, too.
[name_u]Amari[/name_u] – This has a really nice, soft sound. I like it on a boy, too. You might also like [name_f]Amaia[/name_f] (similar in sound and look, and a Basque name, as above). If you happen to be into Tolkien literature, you might like [name_u]Amari[/name_u]ë.
[name_f]Nadira[/name_f] – Gentle and strong, and an intriguing meaning.
[name_f]Mira[/name_f] – Short, sweet and simple. All of the meanings are nice, which is an added bonus.
[name_f]Vicenza[/name_f] – Looks and sounds nice, and is one of the less obvious, zesty place names. It does feel very Italian, so I’d likely assume Italian heritage or at least a connection to [name_f]Italy[/name_f].
Riosa – I feel like this would constantly be spelled [name_f]Rosa[/name_f], it does have a nice sweet yet zesty feel to it though. You might also like [name_f]Raisa[/name_f].
Aerilee – I’m not liking this one so much. Yes it has quite the pleasant sound, but it just looks very trendy to me. You may like Eirlys, or Airlie? or Erlea (another Basque name meaning “bee”).
Aerie – while this looks and sounds nice, it reminds me of words ‘airy’ and ‘eerie’ and it’s also actually a word that refers to the nest of a bird of prey.
[name_f]Calais[/name_f] – As a [name_m]French[/name_m] place name it is nice. I like [name_f]Calais[/name_f], though prefer it for a boy, based on its Greek Mythology (argonauts and the search for the golden fleece) and ‘turquoise’ meanings.

I quite like [name_u]Amari[/name_u] and [name_f]Mira[/name_f] - both sweet and pretty.

I’m not feeling any of the others, sorry. And I think [name_f]Calais[/name_f] would be a bit of a nightmare with pronunciation, depending on where you live.

Thanks for the replies with info and, opinions and thoughts.

[name_f]Mira[/name_f] & [name_f]Nadira[/name_f] I like best here. [name_u]Amari[/name_u] oddly I prefer for a boy, probably because it reminds me of [name_u]Emory[/name_u]. I actually really like it too though just more for a boy. Nice list!