My husband and I are struggling to agree on a name for our son, due in [name_u]November[/name_u]. I like Ancient [name_m]Roman[/name_m]/Greek names, he likes more modern names.
We both like [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] - me for the poet, him for the Earp. What do you think/feel when you imagine a young kid with the name [name_m]Virgil[/name_m]? Or on a teen? Or an adult?
I can’t say it’s my favourite but then i think that’s just personal taste.
My assocations are the poet and thunderbirds and it feels like quite a serious, studious name to me.
I feel like it would be difficult to pull off and would be quite open to teasing (it looks and sounds very similar to virgin). That being said, it’s your child and you should name him what you want. One piece of advice I can give you is maybe ask your older kids what they think? What I’ve always said is if it’s not a name the baby’s parents/siblings would want, it’s probably not a name the baby would want. [name_m]Just[/name_m] some things to think about, but if you really do like [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] then name him that.
To be harsh - [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] looks and sounds very unattractive to me.
This is only my opinion though and I still believe that if you love it you should use it. A name may not feel suitable for a baby until you meet a baby with that name.
[name_m]Virgil[/name_m] does go well with your kids’ names in your signature - I notice you have [name_m]Atlas[/name_m] in the spot for this LO which I absolutely adore btw.
I love [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] and I think it has a vintage charm that especially works right now. I can absolutely imagine a preschooler in a few years time being [name_m]Virgil[/name_m]. I also think it ages quite well.
[name_m]Virgil[/name_m] is absolutely one of my guilty pleasures! My husband vetoed it pretty quickly, and I get why people are hesitant, but I still love it and I hope you go for it.
It’s a shame because it’s a name steeped in history and literature but I do personally think it’s too much for a child/teenager/man. Having taught in an all boys school for years I feel fairly confident that a boy with that name would be called ‘[name_m]Virgil[/name_m] the virgin’, whether in a proper bullying way or in good fun. Either way, I think it could be hard for a boy with the name.
I think [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] is a fairly harsh and serious name, and I could imagine it on a person - but more on an older man, someone in a rock/punk band (which isn’t a bad thing, just my imagery).
It’s a tough one - on the one hand, I think [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] is pretty cool, I love the poet plus [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] just sounds like a name [name_m]Oscar[/name_m] Wilde would use for one of his characters (he might have, I don’t remember), but on the other hand, I can see the teasing potential. Would Virgilius (Late [name_m]Roman[/name_m] variant) or Vergilius ([name_m]Roman[/name_m] family name) be any better?
I normally like Ancient Greek and [name_m]Roman[/name_m] names but I can’t see the appeal of [name_m]Virgil[/name_m]. It’s only one letter away from the word “virgin” and I can see a teenage boy (or even an adult) named [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] getting teased about it relentlessly.
A super bold choice, I tend to agree with the majority of previous replies ~ it’s a whole lot of name to put on a little boy and the bullying potential is obvious. I probably wouldn’t go for it for these reasons but just my opinion
Personally, I find it to have a harsh sound but it also sounds much like a distinguished English gentleman. Not something I would personally go with but, if you love it, use it! Kids get teased for anything nowadays, no matter what their name may be. Does it matter that it is one letter off from “virgin”? Absolutely not. I went to Elementary & High School with a guy named [name_u]Ennis[/name_u], which is very close to another word. I think it was mentioned back in Elementary but it’s not like he got teased for it, in fact, he was quite popular. If you find yourself loving [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] and using it, just raise your son to love how special his name is. On the plus side, you can nickname him Viggy or [name_m]Gil[/name_m] which are both, ridiculously cute! Good luck to you!
Thanks everybody! I do really like [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] - in more of a guilty pleasure sort of way - and I can definitely see it on a preschooler as well as a middle aged man. Teasing potential is definitely there, “[name_m]Virgil[/name_m] the Virgin” certainly occurred to me. It had significance to my husband and I as well because we had a friend that went by [name_m]Virgil[/name_m]. When I met him, I thought it was the COOLEST and was a little disappointed when I found out it wasn’t his given name (I know, total nerd here). I love [name_m]Virgil[/name_m] in the same way I love [name_m]Ichabod[/name_m] - personally I love the sound and think it is super cool, but am hesitant about actual usage. Oh well! Honestly the only name I feel super attached to is [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] so hopefully I can swing my husband to that in time for babe’s birth LOL.